Anonymous One...

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*knock* *knock*

"Who's there?" Me.

"Is that you Aya?" Mother.

*knock* *knock*

Mother opened the door and...

"*gasp* *cry* No..." Me.

"Oh!" Mother.

" Hi Hanie! I missed you so much! I didn't know you moved here..." Shiro.

"Shi...shiro!" Me.

And I hugged him like he is a cuddly teddy bear...

"Whoah... you really missed me then" Shiro.

"Are you even kidding me?! 3 years have passed!" Me.

"It feels like tomorrow since we met. I have a present for you." Shiro.

Shiro gave me a butterfly necklace... it means so much to me...

"Thank you so much!" Hanie.

"You're welcome!" Shiro.

"Lunch is served!" Mother.

"You wanna eat my favorite dish?" Me.

"Sure, I'd love to." Shiro.

After eating lunch...

"I'm so full, I think I ate everything..." Shiro.

"Haha. No you didn't, you ate like one teaspoon of it!" Me.

"What's this dish then?" Shiro.

"Fried fish with sweet particles!" Mother.

"It sounds weird, right?" Me.

"Yeah, but its actually good!" Shiro.

"You can bring home some of it!" Me.

"I'll just hang out here for a little bit of time before I go home..." Shiro.

"Well if you say so." Me.

"Can you show me your powe- I mean your baby pictures?" Shiro.

"Umm.. ok" Me.

He acts weird , he's not that hyper before... Well time sure flies by. People do change a lot.

"Here it is. *opens* I look hilarious when I was a toddler. Haha!" Me.

"Haha! You're actually cute!" Shiro.

"Thanks for that very convincing compliment." Me.

This day is really fun! Can't wait to hang out with him more often!

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