The Loneliness, the Hopeless

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It's been a very long time since my sister left us... I don't know where she went, We are very clueless... I am indeed sad of what is happening to my mother, she is sick and can barely move her body. I'm very worried, my father will even accompany me everyday at home and school. I wanna help them so bad. It feels like needles raining above us. Pretty painful, but I'm still here standing strong. At the moment I feel sad, Shiro is always there. I really appreciate his effort for comforting me. I was really sad, because he doesn't show up anymore. It feels like I'm being carried away from my loved ones...



I'm missing my sister, we've made many memories. We cherished every moment we've had... Shiro too. I mean, where are these guys?

In one silent night, while me and my mother were sleeping tight... I heard a loud "BANG!" downstairs. That sound woke me and my mother up, so we hurriedly went downstairs to find out where that sound came from.



We were shocked to see my dad laying down.



"Harry, Harry!" Mom yelled.

"Dad! Dad, are you okay? Please dad, please tell me you're okay!" I'm shrieking...

I hugged my father and I found blood in his back, with magical gas... which was very familiar, I can't remember when but I can recall where.

"Hanie..." My father is still alive!

"Mom, let's take dad to a healer now! We need to hurry!" I exclaimed.

We hurriedly brought my father to the nearest healer...

It took long because the wound he sports are deep and it was painful.


After 2 hours of waiting outside...


"Hanie! Hanie! Wake up!" Mysterious voice..


"Hanie.... Hanie..." ....

"HANIE!" Mom yelled at me.

*wakes up* "Mom what happened?!"


your father..." mom sobs..

"Wha-what happened?"

Anne's POV

As we wait outside the house of the healer. My daughter, Hanie went first to sleep.. She must be exhausted. I have no choice but to sleep with her...

Upon getting my sleep, I was called inside by the healer... It seems his face is empty and depressed. Oh no. I hope this won't be a bad news...

"Anne, your husband.." Healer.

"What is it? Please tell me!"

"Your husband... didn't make it"

*gasp* I'm really shocked...

I cried and cried like the tears won't stop coming down in my eyes.

I went inside his room and saw my husband laying down dead. He suffered on too much pain from that shot. Wait... These magical gases are familiar...


It was not a long time before when I went out to buy the ingredients for our supper. There were mysterious wizards with black suit and look like they were thieves... Good thing, I can still fight. My magic aura went strong and transformed into a cheetah. Oh I forgot to tell you, I have Transformation Magic.

Transformation Magic - a magic where you can transform into whatever creature you want to be. Transforming into a mythical creature or high-level magic creature consumes a vast magic power.

As I transformed into a cheetah, I hurriedly escaped them but I never noticed they put some magical barriers then exploded a magical gas and almost captured me.

Good thing my daughter came to save me... The bandits were so scared of her. They rushed and teleported into somewhere else. After that magical gas, I got this terrible sickness.


I eventually noticed a note on my husbands pocket saying...

"Anne, if you are reading this.. Please take good care of our two daughters... I know where our Aya went, she once told me she will become stronger than his younger sister. She seems jealous and she is aggressive to her sister especially when Hanie won the contest. She went to your mother's tribe to train for many years. It will be impossible for you to try and force her to come back. When Hanie is 13, please take her to the same tribe without Aya noticing it. Please do my will. It will be for your own good and for our two daughters' good too. No time to explain, but trust me. There will be a time, where two opposite poles meet and attract. I'm dying, I can't take it any longer. This will be the last goodbye for us and our last meet. Thank you for everything. Thank you for making me happy and be loved. Sorry if I haven't told you about my illness. Thank you for Aya and Hanie.I love you Anne.

- Harry"

Tears are falling down again and I can't stop crying. I kept his note and I promise to do his very last will. I love you too Harry.. 'Till we meet again...

After 2 hours...

"Hanie, wake up. Hanie. Hanie. HANIE!" I keep waking her up. I don't know if she is ready.

"Mom what happened?!" Hanie is clueless.

"Hanie, your father..."

"Wha-what happened mom?"

"Hanie, your father is dead!"

"WHAT! No..." Hanie...

Hanie's POV

"Hanie, your father is dead!" Mom.

"WHAT! No..."

I don't understand, why is this happening to me. Why people are leaving me? Is this a curse? Am I the bad luck of this family?

"I'm really sorry, Hanie but Harry said he loves you and he will always love you, even though he is above us." Anne.

*stops crying*

"I'm okay mom.... Thank you father." I exclaimed.

"I love you father!" I shouted

"I love you too father!" I shouted once more.

"I love you Harry." Mom shouted with a smile.

"I love you too! I will be here waiting.. It's starting now!" Harry's ghost.

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