Chapter 14: Will i get home?

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A/N: sorry for not updating... Thats all i have no reason for not updating >_ im lazy i guess... Anywayzzzz enjoooyyyy



I woke up, kinda excited to for Ciel to come, but a bit nervous incase something goes wrong. I woke up around past midnight and kept on checking if Ciel came and sometimes falling asleep again and waking up. It was hard a bit, i mean i am sleepy and excited so i dont really know if i feel sleepy or not.

It was about 2am in the morning and he still hasnt came here. I guess he really meant to come late... Oh well, i just have to be patient. I then started getting worried, i got my slippers and got my bag that i fixed before i slept and snuck out the window.

Once i got out, thought entered my mind. This house is filled with unfortunate memories, in the same time i had a slight great time there but more of ugliness. All of those, i just wanna get rid of it and live a normal life with Ciel again.

Suddenly i was stopoed by Claude. What great timing, so much for a demon butler... "Where are you going Miss Alice?" he said and startled me a but since he came out of nowhere. "Kyaaa!! Dont go popping out of nowhere dude!" i said as i calmed myself, letting out a sigh. "You should inside sleeping, tomorrow is another day to work, double time." he said, adjusting his glasses, saying it emotionless. It gets annoying when someone doesnt show emotion

"Well you too! Another day for work! Need your sleep too!" i said, sarcastically. I really got no time to mess with him, i need to get the hell outta here as fast as i can! I dont wanna get more trouble =_=

"Ya know what? Just OUTTA MAH WAY!!!" i shouted and kick him where the sun doesnt shine very hard and started running like a cheetah and suddenly bumped into someone and we fell. I was on top of Ciel as he was blushing a bit

"Why are you outside? I was gonna-" "No more time!! Come one before we get caught by the emotionless freakazoid!" I stopped Ciel and grabbed him as we started running but i was too fast for him so i slowed down a bit.

Soon we were far away from him and we stopped for a while, catching our breath. "Jesus, good thing he didnt follow... Maybe seb took care of it... Did he?" i asked as i sat down, resting my back on a tree "I told you to wait in your room!" Ciel shouted and i got surprised "Dude, kalma lang (calm down) sorry i just got worried and i was a bit impatient back there." I said, starting to feel better and ready to run away again. "you run fastly Sayoko..." he said and sat beside me, panting

"Sorry... Its like that... I love to run so i got a lot of bruises from fallin all over my leg." I said and started looking at the scars on my leg "Yea... Painful, but filled with memories..." I said "Are you ok? You look like you are gonna faint..." i said looking at Ciel "Im fine... Just need to calm down..." he said which kinda got me worried... Looks like he might get hyperventelated (Spl?) any moment now "Are you sure? Have like a breathing prob? Or a lung sickness whatever? Should have told me earlier while we were running..." i said, rubbing his back

"It doesnt matter anyway..." he said, calming down a bit "=_= fine. So... How are things with you and Lizzy?" i aaked as he seemed annoyed with that question. "Just asking, if you dont wanna say anything then dont. Im just sorry to interrupt with your rela-" "You didnt do anything Sayoko, its my decision and you didnt do anything." he said, stopping me from saying anything else

"Ciel, wether you regret loving me or not, love aint that hard. Just gotta say what you feel, let it out. All the feelings, understand one another, calm down, and be a good listener too. Listen to what your heart says and do what thinks is best. To make it simpler, if you loveher, say you love her, if you dont, break up in a not mean way, say what she has done wrong and stuffs, if you wanna remain as friends, tell her its not working and that friends are better than being in a relationship with defferent feelings with each other. The truth hurts, but willmake you feel good. Its hard to say it, but you will feel refreshed after saying it." i said, patting his head, messing his hair up

"Ive been wondering, what happened to your eye?" i said out of the blue. I guess it was a bit rude to just ask him all of a sudden, maybe it was filled with terrible memories i dont know. "I made a contract with a demon..." he said, avoiding eye contact. "Hmm no wonder Sebastian is a perfect servant..." i said, not surprised or anything, i was used to these demon contract things.

"Arent surprised?" he asked as i giggled "Nope. Im used to it. I used to go demon hunting in Japan." I said simply, not wanting to story tell. "Can i see your eye?" i asked randomly again. "Uh.. Sure.." he said and i removed the eyepatch, staring at his eye.

Never saw such sign before.... So this is what those contract thingys look like... All im familiar are thos traditional ghosts and demons in Japan, but heard stories about being possesed and weird logos or such.

"So cool...." i whispered, attempting to touch it but came to my senses it was an eyeball not some stone or jewel. He blushed a bit as he looked away

"Leggo?" i asked as i stood up "Huh?" he asked "Lets go? Just a shortcut, leggo." I said as he nodded, we walked this time. Some time Sebastian then lead us home as I opened the door. As i opened it i started running around, making cartwheels and tumbling around "YEeeeeeee i miss you!!!" i said as i fell on the floor, as if i was talking to the floor.

"Lady Alice, its time to rest." Sebastian said as I nodded. "Ciel, i sleep with you tonight kay?" i said randomly as he nodded.

As everything was prepared, i started to lay down, attempting to close my eyes but Ciel spoke.

"Why did you leave?" he asked as i sighed "I thought it was the best idea, so i just did." i said as he just lay beside me. "Thats not the only thing..." he said, wanting to know everything "Well... Ya see, im crazy sometimes. Having weird thought that i was just a mess up in everyones life and that i just make mistakes and everyone will hate me so i try and avoid that." i said, not entirely saying everything, but its something like that.

"Oh... Alright then. Good night." he said as he snuggled at me "Mkay, oyasumi." i said as i closed my eyes "I love you..." he whispered but i pretended to sleep. I didnt know how to respond to that anyway....



Sorry if its kinda boring.... Yea speachless... XD

How was this chapter anyway? Bet it was not exciting or anything... Comment what you think! Readers and comments and votes motivate me! Pls rise! If ever.... XD

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