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"Stop!" She screams at him, squirming and struggling as she tries to break free of the man's tight grip on her arm. I hate doing this to her. I feel pathetic, but we need the money. We both need a fix, and it's been 13 hours since our last fix. We've been living this way for a year. It all started when she was 16 and I was 21. I claim to love this girl but, the truth is I don't. She's how I get money to get a fix.

A sudden door opening breaks me free from my horrid thoughts. I stand up to face the man who replies with a quick "She's terrible in bed." while throwing $60 of the $80 we agreed on at me. $60 is atleast enough to get us a fix or two each. I open the door and walk into the motel room, she's sitting lifeless on the bed, other than the trail of tears falling down her face slientlyt. I grab her clothes and help her get dressed. She fliches at my every move, no 17 year old should be going through this.

"Come on, let's go get a fix" she just nods quitely and exits the motel room. We get into our car and I drive. Driving carefully has always been important to me, not only because I have a suspend license but, I don't want to hurt Brittney anymore than I have. We drive down an ally in the bad part of town, it's the cheapest place I know to get rocks. I put the car in park and lean over to give Britt a kiss.

"I love you baby, I'll be right back" there's another lie. I don't really love her.

I slowly exit the car and walk into my drug house. Addicts lying all over, slumped in chairs and against walls. Half of them them look on the verge of death, the other half, you can't tell if they even are still holding onto life.

"My favorite man, you know prices are up these days. How much you got?" my sleezy dealer Marcus says to me.

"$50, that's it" I mumble looking at the ground, pretending what I'm doing isnt wrong. I throw the money on his desk and he hands me rocks, two, a light brown, in a baggie. I shove them deep in my pocket trying to ignore that they're there. As I turn to walk out I hear Marcus mumble.

"If she's not making the money, you need a new one," I turn around in a snap. You don't about Britt that way. She needs help, and I will help her. I just need to get the money.

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