The Boredom

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The boredom

That always comes with

Heat and holidays

Led me to wandering the

Local area, a place I’d never

Properly explored,

Always opting to look


For entertainment.

My friends lived

Too far away

To walk

And public transport

Here is quite frankly

Shit and not worth

The effort.

My parents were working

All summer long,

Which left me alone

In a big, old house

For two whole months.

My suburb lay

In a basin surrounded

By hills and rolling

Constant dips

And falls that

Rarely came to plateaus

And always made

Any form of exercise


My legs pumped

Up hill after hill

Almost every day,

Leading me to places

I’d never known existed.

A gully ran through the

Centre of one hill,

Filled with greenery

The sunlight

Filtered through in


Creating a cool

Atmosphere and

The sensation of swimming

Through the air.

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