Chapter 2

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Yuputka (Ulwa) A word made for walking in the woods at night, it's the phantom sensation of something crawling on your skin.

It was bound to happen; everybody has to face it at some point. People would tell me over and over. Like some sort of chant it spun around my head until I felt like throwing up. It had been week. The first few days I would cry myself to sleep, drifting off to a lullaby of snuffles and sobs. He wasn't around much but that didn't mean that he didn't love me. Every time he got the chance he proved this point; although he didn't really have much time to spare. When becoming King he made a commitment. A commitment to always do what was best for his people; which he did. He was a very popular King, the people loved him. When news spread of his death the entire kingdom went into mourning, a state of sorrow and despair...

I woke, shacking and drenched in sweat. My breathing uneven and fast. My heart pounding a mile a minute. It was just a dream. I swung my legs over the bed aiming for the wooden floor. Warily I sauntered over to the balcony. The cool, fresh wind caressing my hot, crimson cheeks. I breathed in and out deeply; calming my nerves. The inky sky was dotted with bright shining stars, like diamonds. The moon hung in the sky, its silvery face sparkling. It contrasted so much to its pitch black surroundings. In the dim light of the luring moon a dark shadow swept through the garden. Curiosity winning the best of me I climbed down the vines that conveniently ran down the wall from my balcony. As fast as my bare feet would carry me I scampered across the freshly cut grass and towards the thicker part of the garden; where the person or whatever it was went. Up ahead I saw the same silhouette, quickening my pace as I did so. The creepy backdrop didn't help my bravery as I started to have second thoughts asking myself, "Why did I do this again?" My breathing was coming out more as pants, the oxygen filling my lungs every time I took a deep breath in. By now I was wondering if I had actually seen what I thought I had. The dark night sky wasn't doing much to help; also I was now in forest part of the palace gardens which meant the trees blocked the little moonlight. I stopped; my feet aching too much too carry on. All of a sudden there was a sound; a twig cracking few steps ahead of me. I hid behind a tree. It had been a person! This person whoever he or she was wearing a cloak. They were in front of a large ancient looking oak tree with twisted roots that went on for miles. Its branches stretched towards the sky as it competed with the other trees to receive the sun's rays. It was an obvious winner. Slowly the shadowed figure removed its disguise revealing an all too familiar face...

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