Meeting Them

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It was a bright and early morning and we were all getting ready to go on the cruise that our parents paid for. Britney, Rachel, Lauren, Amanda and me, Audrey.We were teens in our senior year of high school getting ready to explore the world and see what our future holds for us. It was like I was dreaming, no parents to boss you around, to tell you what to do, your closest friends to hang out with and the unlimited amount of food. It was indeed a dream come true.

As we were all walking to the rooms on the cruise, I bumped into somebody. He was tall, skinny, but not the scrawny kind, and he was indescribably handsome. I fell to the floor with all the girls laughing at me, and the handsome lad helped me up. I thought, What a gentleman.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you like that," he said.

"No, no, it's okay. It wasn't your fault, it just happened," I replied nervously, and then after thinking through what I said to him, I realized it was stupid. Really, it just happened? He freakin' ran into you, you should be mad, I thought. But I just couldn't, not with those eyes.

" Ummm" interrupted Lauren probably thinking this is weird and uncomfortable.

" I should go nice meeting you stranger, the names Evan by the way," he said.

And with my stupid self I just managed to nod and wave...... 


Ok guys, here's my first chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did comment down below if i should continue. It might suck cause its the first chapter but if you keep reading I promise you, you won't regret it! BYE love you all

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