Unexpected Breakfast

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Morning came and when I woke up everybody but Britney was up. We all tried waking her up but eventually gave up knowing that she will win. So instead of continuing we decided to go and look for some breakfast. Eventually we all agreed on Dunkin Donuts from the lobby of the ship, and me and Lauren both went to go get it.

We waited in line for our turn, and out of the corner of my eye I spot something, no SOMEONE. My heart stopped.....him. It was Evan. I tried to stay calm but I just couldn't. My anxiety got the best of me because he spotted me and started to walk over. "Hey, I remember you. I didn't get your name last time when I ran into you. Literally". He chuckles.

My mind was racing so fast I didn't know what to say. "Ummm yeah hi." I said regretting the words that came out of my mind only seconds ago.

Great. Stupid anxiety. Ugh all I manage to say was 'Ummmm hi?' I'm such an idiot. "I'm Lauren, and this is Audrey." Lauren breaks the awkward silence.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Evan." He kindly replies.

We ordered and picked up our stuff for the girls and for us, and he was there the whole time. It was nice actually, such a gentlemen. "Well, it was very nice seeing you again but I have to catch up with my buddy" he says.

And I go from jolly to sulking. "Oh okay. See you around!" I cooly respond.

"Yeah it was nice meeting you," Lauren begins.

"You too Lauren." he responds.

He begins to walk away and then out of nowhere Lauren shots me a glare, then shouts "Hey Evan! I forgot to tell you, but there is this beach party tonight at six! You should come with your buddy. It will be fun and we'll be there!"

"Sounds like fun! We'll be there!" He shouts back.

The two of us get into the elevator and Lauren smiles at me. "What's with that hideous smug grin on your face?" I joke.

She frowns but recovers quickly "You like him. I may not be the smartest person in the world but at least I can identify a good couple when I see one."

I grin, "Shut up."

She laughs. "You know I'm right Aud."

I can't help it. She's known me for too long. Dammit. "Okay okay u caught me! I like the guy, so what?"

She gasps. "So WHAT?! No, we are gonna make sure you and him become a thing, trust me."

I giggle. "Whatever u say."

We walk out of the elevator and enter the room.

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