Not your average party

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Morning came and I realized that we weren't moving. We must have finally reached the Bahamas. That perked me up a little bit. Just a little. 

All the girls came in the room to check up on Gabriel and I with the boys trailing along. Even Jacob came. Maybe Britney and him have been getting closer. As 'friends' of course. "Listen up lovers we are going to a party and we are going to have fun!" screams Lauren trying to lighten up the mood. 

I shake my head "I just wanna stay in bed. Please don't make me go." 

"Oh honey, if I'm going to this stupid party. Trust me, your going." Britney says with attitude. "Ughhhhh." I throw my body backwards onto the bed. 

The guys leave to get dressed and at the same time we get ready too.  Before I get ready my phone buzzes and I see a text from Caleb's mom. "Lauren, Caleb cancelled today."

"Oh perfect!" she says with excitement.

"Who's Caleb?" asks Rachel.

"No one you should care about." I shot at her. 

Rachel looked away with a sad look on her face and continued getting ready. The girls could tell that there was tension between us so they didn't bother asking what happened. 

I shower and put on my light blue sundress. "What the fuck is that? If I'm wearing this then you better not wear something like that." Britney hollers. 

I notice that all the girls are wearing black. "Whoops. Guess I didn't get the memo." I joke. 

They all start to laugh. "Here," Amanda tosses me a pair of black jeans and a fitted long sleeve black shirt. 

"What the hell, are we going to a strip club because I really don't feel like drinking or dancing or moving...not that I would drink because I'm only 17," I whine with a smile. 

"Don't be a party pooper. Just put on the damn clothes please," cries Lauren, obviously setting the joke aside. 

I quickly throw on the clothes. I stare at myself in the mirror. This is so not me. Maybe instead of innocent Audrey I could change it up a bit. As we walk out the door Lauren stops me in my tracks, takes out my ponytail and watches as my straight hair flows down. "Much better. Now you don't look like shit." she laughs. 

We go  downstairs to meet the guys. They see us coming and their eyes literally pop out of their heads. It's actually really the funny the way they stared at me. "H-hi Audrey, y-you look very...nice" Gabriel stutters. 

I smile. "Thanks." 

"Niiicceeee Amanda." Luke says while checking her out. We drive in the car singing to all the pop songs on the radio all the way to the party.

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