Chapter 8

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A/N: So not loads of LiLo in this chapter, but we get both Harry and Gail's POV with some drama and some feels... Please read my author's note at the end and comment!

The day after their date, Liam checked his phone every two minutes to see if Louis had texted. Every time he saw the blank notifications bar, his heart sank a little and he started to wonder if Louis wasn't as into him as he thought.

Luckily Zayn kept him busy all day, with endless games of Hide & Seek- he hid under Liam's bed every single time- and the entire box set of Peppa Pig. After the tired but happy little boy was asleep, Liam's phone finally buzzed. Liam practically jumped the length of his living room to reach it, grinning from ear to ear.

'Mr Payne, my humblest apologies this is so late. I have obtained two tickets to the cinema next Saturday, and was hoping that you would honour me with your presence? If that sounds remotely acceptable, confirm your attendance via this device in the immediate future please. Louis xx'

'Mr Tomlinson, this incredibly kind invitation sounds more than acceptable, it sounds wonderful. If you would be so kind as to give me the timings and location of this prestigious event, I will put it in my calendar and look forward to it. Liam x'

The two men texted for hours, Liam finally falling asleep in the early hours of Sunday morning with a silly grin on his face and a happy feeling in his chest.


Louis as usual was up early on Sunday morning, cooking breakfast for Harry and Niall before football. Gail would stay asleep until later and was happy to make her own food. But for once she was up with them, putting on her necklace as she came down the stairs.

"Hi baby, what are you doing up?"

"I'm coming to football, Dad." She looked at him like it was obvious, pouring a glass of orange juice.


"Really. Why are you so surprised?" Louis shrugged, watching his daughter with suspicion as she went back upstairs. He followed her and went into Niall's bedroom, where the young boy was curled into a ball under his duvet.

"Ni? It's time to get up bub, it's football today."

"No, Daddy." Niall looked up and Louis frowned. His son's face was flushed and his eyes were glassy, like he had a temperature. Louis kneeled down and placed a cool hand on Niall's forehead, which was burning hot like he expected.

"Okay bub I think you can stay here today, and Gail can go with Harry to football. Now you just go back to sleep, okay?" Niall snuggled into his duvet and Louis left the room, hurrying back downstairs to save the toast from burning. Harry and Gail were sat at the table laughing about something, and Louis paused for a moment. He watched them with a smile on his face- nothing made him happier than his kids getting along.

"Dad, you're creeping me out." Gail said so Louis looked away. 

"Where's Niall?" Harry asked, looking around for the small head of blond hair.

"He's ill so I'm going to have to stay and watch him. I'm sorry, H."

"Doesn't matter, it's not a big game today." Harry shrugged, not at all bothered. Louis gave a little sigh as he realised for the millionth time that Harry didn't really need him any more. 

Half an hour later Gail and Harry left for football, and as Louis watched them walk down the road he felt a sense of foreboding, like he shouldn't let them go. 


Harry was on fire. They were winning 5-0 and he had scored four of the five goals. He looked into the crowd and saw Gail right at the front, cheering loudly. He smiled at his sister, who grinned back enthusiastically. 

His team got the ball and Harry sprinted up to the other end of the pitch. As he stood by the goal, ready to receive the pass and score, he saw a shadow out of the corner of his eye. Then suddenly he was on the floor and there was this agonising pain in his leg and he could barely breathe and he could hear Gail calling his name in a panic but he couldn't shout back to reassure her like he always did all he knew was pain pain pain- 

Gail saw the huge boy run straight into Harry and screamed, jumping out of her seat as her brother collapsed to the ground. She yelled his name but in the chaos of the crowd she couldn't tell if he was calling back. The paramedics rushed on to the pitch and Gail left her seat, sprinting to her brother's side.

"Harry? Can you hear me?" She kneeled next to him, and saw him attempt to smile.

"Gail, I-" He started then his face scrunched up in pain, cutting him off.

"Don't worry H, you're gonna be fine. The paramedics are gonna take you to the hospital and get rid of the pain, I promise." Gail stroked the hair off her brother's forehead as the paramedics rolled him onto a stretcher. They hurried him to an ambulance and Gail hesitated.

"Am I allowed to come?"

"Are you family?"

"He's my brother." Gail explained and the paramedic nodded. She climbed in and sat next to Harry's stretcher. His fingers twitched slightly and she took his hand, squeezing it gently.

"Nearly there, H. I will call Dad and he will come straight there, okay?" Harry's eyes fluttered as he fought to stay conscious, and Gail looked at the paramedics in fear. They started injecting him with painkillers, and Gail had to look away as the needle went into Harry's limp arm. Please, please, please make him better, she begged the paramedics in her mind, desperate for her brother to be okay.

A/N: Okay so a bit of drama there! Did you like Harry and Gail's POVs? It wasn't much but there will be more of their thoughts and feelings about LiLo in the upcoming chapters if that's what you want. What do you think about Gail and Harry's relationship? Who is the most protective out of the two of them? Do you think this is because of their life before Louis adopted them? Comment and vote please!

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