Chapter 11

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Louis sighed and stood up as the door bell rang, not really in the mood to talk to his overly friendly neighbours. But he got the shock of his life when the door opened to reveal Liam, with a shopping bag in one hand and Zayn in the other.

"Liam! What are you-"

"Well, we were really sad to hear we couldn't see you, weren't we Zayn?" Zayn reached out to touch Louis' face, and he took that as a yes. "So, we thought we would bring the date to you. Is that okay?"

"It's more than okay, it's- Thank you, Liam." Louis thought his face would split in two, he was smiling so hard.

He led them into the kitchen, where Liam placed his shopping bag down and then followed Louis into the sitting room. Niall was sat in there, watching Ice Age intently. When he saw Liam and Zayn, he looked at his dad in confusion. Louis just smiled, really hoping Niall wasn't going to throw a fit about their unexpected guests interrupting their movie. The blond boy shrugged and smiled back, moving up on the sofa to make room for the others.

Halfway through the movie, Liam got up and went into the kitchen to make dinner. Louis had tried to get up and follow him but Liam pushed him gently back onto the sofa, telling him to stay there and rest. He flicked on the radio and started cooking, humming along to the music.

"Dad, can I stay at Perrie's tonight?" Gail came into the kitchen typing on her phone, then froze when she saw Liam. 

"Gail! Hi."

"Liam. I'm not trying to be rude, but why are you at my house?" Her piercing stare left Liam lost for words but luckily Louis entered the kitchen a moment later.

"What's this about Perrie?" He inquired, walking over to the stove and smiling in appreciation of the delicious smells emanating from it.

"Can I stay at her house tonight?" Louis nodded and his daughter sprinted back upstairs, leaving the two men alone in the kitchen.

"I really appreciate this, Liam. Honestly, it's extremely kind of you." Louis' eyes crinkled as he smiled. Liam watched him and felt his heart flutter. Before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Louis'.

A/N: I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!! this chapter is short af but i thought you might like the ending... next one coming very soon!

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