Finding out

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Rachel's POV
It has been 3 years since Michael and Justin were born and me and puck got married but he has been sneaking out at night a not returning till 3 in the morning what I he is cheating?
R- good morning boys time to get up
M- no I'm tired!
R- oh well Santana and Brittnay are coming over today and u have to clean this room it is a mess guys!!
J- ok
M- ok
J- were is daddy?
R- he is not home yet he might of just went to the store early
J- ok
M- jousting start cleaning with me. Mommy can u help us?
R- if course
Nock nock
R- what are u doing here?!?
Q- oh umm sorry wrong p place
R- cut to the crap! Why are u here
Q- fine well I have sorta been seeing puck as in being in bed together
R- w what?!?
Q- I'm sorry he forced me to do it rachle he said he will kill me if I don't do it!
R- your lying!!
Q- no I'm not here I recorded it
R- oh my god did he hurt u?!
Q- yeah look
R- I h my god I know that we really are on good terms but would u like to come in?
Q- sure
R- ok well I have to go help my boys out with there room oh yeah Santana and Britt will be hear any minute
Q- ok
R- guys u got your room done!
J- yeah who is down stairs?
R- this is my f friend Quinn
J- nice to meet you
M- nice to meet u
Q- thank u nice to meet you too oh. Yeah Rachel Santana and Britt canceled
R- oh ok
P- hey I'm hom
R- oh yay! Go pack u stuff snd get out
R- take the boys out side please Quinn!
Q- ok
P- what the hell is she doing here?!? And why do u want me out?!?
R- get out get the hell out ok go fuck u in done were done!!!!!
P- what?!?
R- u cheated why does everyone cheat one my with her god I'm so stupid go!!!
P- fine tell the boys i love them.
R- no!
Q- rachle I'm so sorry and hugs her!
R- it's not your fault
J- were is daddy going!?!?
R- me and him broke up guys in so sorry!
J/m- it's ok I love u mommy
R- I live you too

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