Telling everyone

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****1 week later****
Rachel's POV
So it's been a week since Finn and I got engaged,and it's time the tell everyone. The boys and Alexis don't even know!
R- Good morning boys!
M-what's today?
M-good no school
R-I know I know but we have a party today and you aren't missing it!
M-ok ok!
**nock nock**
R-hi baby
A-hi Rachel!!
R-hi buddy!
A-were are the boys?
R-up stairs
A-ok thanks
R-your welcome
F-I love you
R-I love you
F- I love you more
R- if you say so
**2hours later**
R- guys come on we have to go to the party!
***at the party***
R-everyone please listen up! Finn and I have something important to say
F/R- **holding up her ring** were engaged!!!
Everyone claps and cheers and says congratulations
**at home**
A-I love you daddy! I love you Rachel!
R/F-I love you to!

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