Chapter Nine

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"Sobered up?" Ryu asked after Mike ended the call with Chester and Mike nodded.

"Yeah. That fight brought it out." He sighed. "I hope he'll be okay. I'm such a horrible husband."

"No you're not, Mike. Sometimes you're rough but you're not a bad husband. Chester knows that and he knew who you were when he married you." Tak said and Mike smiled softly.

"I've hurt him so much though. I've been an abusive drunk who cheated on him. It's not fair for him."

"We can stop the tour if you want. We'd understand. We'll just tell fans there was a family emergency." Ryu said, skirting away from what Mike said. He didn't know anything about their relationship and from Mike's statement, he didn't want to know.

"No, no. I couldn't ask you guys to do that." Mike said quickly but the two hugged him and gave him a smile.

"We'll cancel the rest of the tour now, get a plane ticket, and go home. It's okay, Mike. We can take your family with if they want to next time we tour." Tak smiled and Mike hugged the two.


Phoenix immediately engulfed Chester into a hug when he walked into the home without knocking. He felt incredibly guilty about punching Scott. He felt it was his fault Chester had to do something horrible because of his mistakes.

"I'm so sorry, Ches. I'm so sorry. I just lost it, you know?" Phoenix said before noticing the boys standing behind them. He noted they didn't look confused at all. He wondered if Chester told them what was happening. He decided he'd question the kids about it later.

"It's okay." Chester said but inside, he really was broken. He felt horrible inside and out and wanted to just curl up into a ball and never open his eyes again. It just didn't feel worth it anymore. Mike hadn't been gone for too long and from the moment he left, everything went astray. He didn't know what to do.

He thought about running away but felt it childish. It was something he'd commonly do in his younger years but that wasn't him anymore. He was caught in the middle of things he didn't want to confront. A piece of him wanted to even leave Mike. As much as he loved him, he knew Mike could just snap at any given moment. Sometimes he feared his husband would even kill him. He felt it was his fault though. He thought Mike was only aggressive because of the things he saw Chester go through. He also felt he couldn't leave him because of the kids. He'd hate to break his family apart.

"So who's this?" Phoenix asked, looking at Otis. The teen was outgoing and very social, he broke out into a huge grin at his being noticed. Tyler had a glass of water and had started taking a drink to avoid introducing the boy he just hooked up with.

"I'm Otis, Tyler's boyfriend!" Otis beamed and Tyler choked on his water and Chester laughed and patted his son on the back. Draven started to chuckle too at Tyler's reaction as Phoenix felt shocked. He felt he'd been far from the Bennoda family that he didn't even know Tyler was gay, although he didn't know it was only a recent topic discussed in the home that Mike didn't even know.

"Awe, you two got together!" Chester giggled and kissed Tyler on the cheek who groaned but couldn't stop the smile on his cheeks. If anything could cheer Chester up, it was his sons. He could completely forget about Sam, Scott, Jason, and even Mike when he was with Draven and Tyler. Then, Draven's phone started to ring.

"Hello?" He answered picking up.

"Hi, this is Samantha. I work for social services and have some questions I'd like to ask you, is that alright?" A kind lady asked but Draven knew she wasn't that. He was hesitant and thought about telling Chester but he saw the rare glimpse of happiness that's been missing from his eyes lately and decided he wanted to keep it quiet. He showed his dad a single finger to show he'd be back and went upstairs to his room.

"Yeah, sure. What do you want to know?" Draven asked, knowing he wouldn't tell her much or anything really. He was pretty sure he knew everything she did.

"I have some questions I'd like to ask you about your fathers. Some of these questions may come across as offensive or be sensitive to you, is that alright?"


"Alright. Have you ever seen either of your father's hit each other?" She asked and Draven almost immediately said no, although it was a lie, but he remembered she knew already what happened.

"I saw it once. It was such a long time ago though." Draven added.

"Has either of your fathers ever threatened each other?"


"I have a recording of a message that proves that to be untrue.

'Did you fuck her?Did you?!'


'You did! You little whore!'

'You know I only did it so we can keep our sons! You think I wanted to?! Hmm? I tried getting out of it! We had to visit Jason and Scott in prison too! And you know what? You weren't there to answer my call when I needed you! You haven't been there for me or our family! All you care about is Fort fucking Minor!'

'Shut up! If I was home, I'd fucking beat the shit out of you right now!'

'Stop it, Mike! You're going to tear us apart!'

'Just like what you used to do to your skin! Blades and needles were your goddamn specialty!'

'Fuck you, Mike!'

'Fuck you too oh wait, who hasn't fucked you?!'

'Sometimes I wish I could hate you!'

'Well you know what?! I do hate you!'"

"That was just a stupid argument! You didn't hear the rest of it! They made up!" Draven snapped, hating to hear that argument again. He couldn't believe she had access to their phone calls. She, although, was incredibly surprised to hear what Draven said.

"You heard the argument?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did. I've been listening to every phone call and you know what, Sam? You need to leave our family alone and stop trying to get with my dad! He's not yours to use and to hurt! He loves us and the only reason why he's associating with you is so you won't get us taken away from them!" Draven yelled and heard the familiar beep that signaled the call was now personal.

"Listen up, you little brat. Chester loves me, he does. He doesn't love Mike. He doesn't love you or your brother, he just loves me. You don't understand what's going on and you need to stay out of it." She threatened.

"Stay out of it?! Seriously? How can I stay out of something that I'm apart of?! This revolves around us! How can I stay out of it?!"

"Just fuck off." She concluded and hung up. Draven rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket. He couldn't believe how petty she was. He had to admit, although, that she had the serious hots for his dad.

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