So we went inside and saaaaaw.... SLUGCORN! OMGOSH OMGOSH, SLUUUUUUUGCOOOOOOORN! I ran to it as a fast as i could. Eventually ran soo fast that i turned into a bat and everyone saw me. It was really embarrasing, but no one watched the movie! Everyone was to busy having a slugcorn fight!🌽🌽🌽... So, when everyone went back home. We were all covered in slugcorn! And since Lilyanie and Nadia were having a slumber party with moi, it was all still awesome! I thought to my self how could this day get any worse?!😉
It got worse all right. We were going to Lily's house when suddenly the car broke down.😔 "What happened?" I said. "The car broke down, one of the wheels are flat and there is no more petrol! At least ive got my phone though" Lily said.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Nadia screamed. "Wait no 'Yaaaaaaay's yet, my phone might be dead...... Three seconds later.......... Nooooooooooooooooooo! My phone has run out of battery!" Lily yelled. "Great, now what are we going to do?!" I said. "Erijdjhkghkherbukewpih" Said Nadia. "What are you doing?" I said. "Talking to the clouds" Said Nadia. "Egeiugfgerfigueguirgfgiure, Thanks! The clouds said that they could let us borrow their sky cloud. Its on cloud number nine!" Nadia Yelled. "LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled.