The S.W.A.G Heroes

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Well, monsters and gouhls of the Universe. Have I ever told you about The S.W.A.G Heroes? Well, we are S.W.A.G. it stands for Super, World, Action, Girls. In S.W.A.G there are a number of people. The girls in this group go to a weekend school called Superhero City. The find all the wonders and dreams in there lives that can come true. We came because we are all girls with powers. I am just a vampire without powers. To be honest, I was joking about all this vampire stuff. My name isn't Vanessa and I am not a vampire. I did all this to get likes on Instagram. (Not in real life.) But one thing is true, my real name is Celeste. A normal human being from South America. (In real life this is true. A Spanish country is there.) Well, sorry to ruin your dreams and hopes to be bitten by me and to become a vampire, cos you won't be able to be bitten.
I'm soooo sorry guys that I haven't written a chapter yet. It's been a long time and I have been dealing with lots of homework and projects. I'll write a chapter ASAP.
Luv you all! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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