Untitled Part 1

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chapter 1



"Anyboygoing to answer this question on the board?", Madam Soo ask.Silent and quiet as always , every time she asks this thing. Answerigthe question. The whole classes remain silent. Some sudentspretending trying hard finding the answer, some pretending to asktheir friends, some pretending to look so focus on the book and forsome who don't actually care-they sleep.

MadamSoo scanning through the whole class again. Afew minutes pass andthere is still no one who willing to raise up their hand to break thesilent. She sigh-kids nowadays.

"KimSeokjin ?! ", she calls the name of a student who is looking outthe window.

"Yes...?",he asnwers when his name is mentioned.

"Can you please answer this question for me?", he don't even say'yes' or nodded,he just wake up from his seat and move the front. Hetake a chalk and immediately answer the question without hesitation.The whoe class focus on him - impressed - as always. Madam Soo alwaysknew that Seokjin can answers any question that she gives. He is sogood in mathematics.

Afterhe done, he go back to his seat . That is him. He don't talk topeople and always be by himself.


Yeah,that'sme. I am all alone. It's not that i hate to interact with people butit actually I don't know how to start a conversation. Being a geniussince kids make me live all alone. Kids don't want to play with mecause they say I'm too different. A genius should be studying,notplaying like them. That's what they say. I always wanted to playalong with friends since i was a kid but there's no one who wanted tobe friend with me.

SoI never know how to approach people and start a friendship-the reasonwhy I am like this. Madam called my name. As always when there is noone who willing to answer her question. I'm too lazy to say 'yes' orto nod,so I just walks to the front and answer the question.

Thequestion isn't that hard instead you can say that it is one of theeasiest question you can found in exam paper. It just that thesepeople are too lazy to work out their brain to find the answer. WhenI'm done,I just go back to my seat like there is nothing happen.

"Asalways, Seokjin keep being the only one who will answer my question.I hope one day I can see at least one people who will raise up his orher hands to answer the question other than Kim Seokjin. Okayclass,that's all for today,see you in the next class.", MadamSoo pick up her stuffs and leave the class.

Thesilent class gain back their soul. They start making noise again andeven noisier as it is recess. They are having fun making noisetogether but not for me-cause I never know how was it feel like tomake noise.

Ireach for my phone and earphone-the usual things I do duringrecess-spacing myself.

So...howwas it? do u like it? anyway..my mind is not normally working fortoday as today is their COMEBACK!!!! IM GOING NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! IVEDOWNLOADED THE SONGS AND VIDEO AND THOSE THINGS HIT ME TO CORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 29.05.15

anyway...pleaseread,vote and comments down...gonna be helpful for me..thanks



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