~Chapter Nineteen~

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The dance was today and if you didn't get out of this mirror soon, Jay would be dancing with the wrong girl. As Chelsea was fixing up her hair which is exactly like yours, you decided to put your little plan into action. You knew, if you failed, you'd face some really bad consequences. "Hey Chelsea." You say and she turns her head and looks at you.

"What?!" She asks. "Seeing as there's no way out and your plan is in place I've decided to just give up and surrender." You say and she puts the brush down and looks at you with a smirk. "Really?!" "Yeah, the most I can do is accept whatever is gonna happen next. So I'll just help you out."

Chelsea looks at you surprised, "You want to help me??" She asks confused and you give her a small smile and nod. "Your just a reflection! What more can you do to help?" "Well I am a magic mirror now sorta, and magic mirrors give advice and answers and I mean if you want to fool Jay might as well do it the right way."

"So your not at all concerned for Jay??" "Nah! I'm done with him. He's yours now. But hey! If he thinks your me then you might want to get some more advice on how to be...me! Ya know what I'm saying!"

She thinks for a minute and turns and faces you. "Alright, whatcha got?" "Wait you're really letting me help you?!" You ask surprised. "Yeah! Now chop! chop!" She says and you smile, your plan was working so far so good. "Alright, you have to act completely like me and lately you haven't been doing that! Jay probably knows something's up by now! Can't let that happen right?" You say and she smirks and nods.

"Jay knows that I hate fashion. Yup what your wearing right now and everyday needs to go." You say and she gasps. "You are so bad at fashion!" You chuckle and shrug. "He knows that I wear all black! No pinks, no blues, all black! From ripped skinny jeans to leather jackets. All black. And Jay LOVES it!" You say and she listens to every word you say. "What are you some rocker or something?!" She asks and you chuckle. "I may look different everyday but when I'm with Jay, it's all punk rock! Ooh and also Jay knows that I talk like my brother."

"How the heck do I talk like that?!" "Easy! Incorrect grammar! You'll pick it up! Oh and I'm also a very lazy and sloppy person, no regrets haha so make sure your hair is messy and you carry a bag of chips every where you go." You explain and she gasps and stares at you in disgust. "Ugh how did I not see all this under you! You are so disgusting!" She says and you shrug again.

"Yup, Jay doesn't mind! Oh and he knows that I absolutely of all times HATE video games. So most likely he'll get you to play one with him. YOU HAVE TO, UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, HATE VIDEO GAMES! Jay will understand don't worry." You say and she folds her arms.

"Do I seriously have to be all like this?!" She asks you and you smile and nod. "You want to destroy the ninja right?! Then ya gotta do exactly as I instructed!" You say and she groans and heads to your closet. You start to cheer, your plan had worked! But would Jay notice something wrong and know that it's Chelsea?

You just hoped the next part was going to work. Chelsea came out of the closet wearing all black, black studded boots, black ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt with a black leather jacket over it, and with leather gloves top it off.

"Ugh I look ridiculous!" She says and you give her a thumbs up. "Now just apply some black lipstick, eyeshadow and a TON of mascara and wing that eyeliner and you'll be perfect!" You tell her and she groans again and begins applying the makeup. When she was done she looked like a rock star or something. "Perfect! Now just talk with incorrect grammar and use Ain't and Yo a lot and that'd be even more perfect!" You say and she rolls her eyes.

"Yo like this?! Ugh why do I be even listenin' to you anyways!?" She says in your voice and you smile wide and nod your head. "Excellent!! Now remember to be lazy and sloppy oh and burp a lot! There's a bag of chips downstairs don't forget to bring that with ya when you see him again in an hour!" You say and her eyes pop out in surprise. "An hour?! Jay didn't tell me anything about-" "He called and wants you to come over! He left a voice mail and I just so happened to hear it!" You say and her mouth drops open.

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