Chapter 1

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"Watch it bitch"

Same old, same old. New school, new me. This, Conwray High, would be the 5th, or was it 6th? I lost count? School that I've been to. I didn't expect to stay here long, moving schools had gotten to be the norm now. 

It was 8:09am, mum insisted dropping me off early because it was my first day and she didn't want me to be late. Great. So now I look like a loner. I made my way into what I assumed was the reception, there was no way of telling as I didn't see any sign. 

I pushed open the door, that being me, said pull, another thing to add to my screw ups today. As I entered, I saw a women, mid thirty's, sitting behind what looked like one of those things you see at the bank. There was a glass hole to talk through, and she signalled for me to come over to her. 

"Yes dear?" She said whilst her eyes were hovering over her glasses. I don't understand why people wear glasses if they don't look through them. 

"Erm, I'm Opaque Myla?" I spoke quiet, and kind of questioning, wondering if she was expecting me to come here.

"Oh, the new girl? Yes Opaque, here is your timetable. I'm sure you will be able to find your way round the school its simple enough. Lesson's start at 8:30am, which I assume you already know. Have a lovely first day, go through the door on the right and find your way to class so you are nice and early." She seemed nice enough, but I could tell she didn't enjoy her job. Paid the bills I guess.

I took her directions and followed through the brown door on the right hand side. Then I got lost. Infront of me were some stairs, so I assumed I should go up them. 

"Excuse me, why are you using staff stairs?" Yep, you can add that to my list of muck ups too.

"I didn't know, I'm new here" I fiddled with my earring, it was my habit when I got nervous.

"Okay, so you know now these are staff stairs, but for you today is an inspection, have a great day." He smiled and carried on down the stairs with his cup of what smelt like coffee. Again, he seemed nice enough, but I come to the realisation, people won't be so nice to me when I'm not ' the new girl'. 

Carrying on up the stairs, I look at my timetable 'Monday, period 1, Bio. Rm. 165 Lvl 1'. I stopped when I got to the end of the first flight of stairs. It said level one, so all I had to do was find the r-

"Watch it, bitch". When my arm collided with someone, it shocked me and I dropped my timetable and books all over the floor. I quickly picked them up, feeling my cheeks turn violet. When I grabbed them all, I got up and looked to see who I faced. I could tell it sure wasn't a teacher, and I smelt trouble. 

"Aww, the boffjob was only worried about her books" . It was a group of boys, 7 or 8 I didn't take it in.

"Well aren't you going to apologise, sexy?" When the tall buff built one with brown blonde highlighted hair spat this remark, they all howled with laughter. Speechless, I tried to carry on, but one of the smaller boys from the front gripped his hand on mine.

"Well? You heard Ted?". I just wanted to go and get to class, this was enough embarrassment to last a lifetime and quite frankly I was scared. I didn't know what this school is like. I didn't know the people. Was this the normal way to act? After several seconds, I opened my mouth to apologise, just so I could go, then one of them interrupted. He caught my attention, he was tall-ish, golden colour hair up in a quiff, brown eyes and perfect shaped lips. 

"Let the bitch go, boys we have too much to deal with, come'on". I found myself staring at him, but as soon as he came to look at me, I looked away. I could feel his presence on me. 

"Justin, I had this".

With this, 'Justin' looked away from me, so I allowed myself to stare at him again. When I went to look at him he was looking at the boy who told me to apologise and giving him this menacing stare. As soon as the boy saw, he released my arm, and they all followed 'Justin' down the staff stairs. 

I couldn't get away quick enough. I just wanted to get to class. My first day, not even in the first hour,  I made trouble. I felt sick. I didn't want to go through this again. 

Trying to stay as calm as I could, I decided I would put this behind me, start fresh, again. The receptionist was right, once I left the staff stairs and followed the corridor up, the school was pretty easy to find my way around. I still had like 3 minutes before lesson started, so I found the nearest toilets to my classroom and went to the loo. When I got inside there, it stunk of smoke. I was bursting so I had no choice but to go. They were run down and groggy and there was only 2 cubicles, thank goodness I was the only one in there. 

When I was finishing up, I looked at my watch and released it was now 8:27am. How did I take so long? Hurrying up, I dried my hands, and made my way out of the toilets to my classroom.

Before I went in I looked through the door window. Uh oh. Everyone was settled. Before I made myself anymore late, I opened the door and entered the classroom. 

"Opaque Myla? Not a bright idea to be late on your first day is it? Find a seat and sit in it. I assume you were giving your Bio work book? You will just have to carry on from where we do." It was a male teacher, I saw on his name tag he was called Mr Piper. I wasn't starting to like him already, he looked like he was in his sixties, he had a long grey beard, along with short grey hair, and he was balding at the top. I smiled at him regardless, and looked around the classroom to find a spare seat.

As if this day couldn't get off to a worse start, there were only 2 seats free.

Both either side of that Justin kid. 

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