Chapter 2

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"I feel for you."

Trying my best to look like it didn't phase me, I walked over the seat on his right and placed my backpack on the ground underneath my desk. Everyone began to whisper and be in some kind of awe that I had sat next to him. Pretending not to notice I tried to listen to Mr Piper who exclaimed some words, and everyone snapped back to there work. Sitting uncomfortably in my chair, I chose to get my Bio book out from the big pile of books I had, and opened it to the page number which was on the board. I was trying so hard to think about anything and everything so that I could forget who I was next to, but I couldn't. He was too distracting. I could smell him. He smelt of a cologne I'd never smelt before. But it was inticing... What was I doing? He called me a bitch earlier, I don't know the kid, and I sure as hell do not want to look at him in any light. 

Looking down at my book, and listening to Mr Piper pipe on, parden the pun, I started to wonder why these desks were free? It seemed delirious that both desk's either side of him were free. Cautiously, not wanting Justin to look at me, I quickly scanned the room. None of what I saw, did I recongnise to be the boys from his 'crew'. Maybe he was a nut job thats why nobody sat next to him.

Just when I was begginning to wonder whether I should up and leave, say I was ill or something, come up with anything so I didn't have to suffer from this awkwardness, a piece of paper landed on my desk. I looked to my right, to see a blonde short haired, blue eyed, raising her eyebrows at me, indicating for me to open the note.

I feel for you.

Reading it, I glanced back at her and furrowed my eyebrows back at her. What did she mean? Was she taking the piss because it was my first day? I had no clue. 

Not wanting to make anymore enemies I wrote back.


Making sure Mr Piper wasn't looking, I lightly threw the note back and pretended that I was actually interested in Bio, going over the text in front of me. A couple of minutes later, a bigger piece of paper screwed up landed on my desk.

Justin? I'd hate to be sitting there, well anyone in this class would. He's nothing but trouble. And a bully.

Not letting her see my fear, thinking back to this mornings events, I hesitated, before deciding I wouldn't reply to her. I mean this was trouble. What if Justin was peering over looking at the notes, without me noticing. Not risking it, I pierced my eyes in to hers and lipped "Talk after class". She seemed to understand and smirked politely back. 

"Opaque, what is biofuel, as I know you've been taking notes, and want to make a good impression on your first day here?". Gulping back the lump in my throat I just stared at Mr Piper dumbly, not knowing the awnser. I was making a pure embarrassment of myself, and it hadn't even been the first hour over. Thats when I heard the sniggers coming from around the classroom. 

"It's a fuel derived directly from natural matter, sir". This voice came from the left side of me, as soon as he spoke the whole class went silent. Damn, there was seriously something wrong with this kid. One minute the class was sniggering, then when he spoke they all seem... threatened by his answer.

"Well... Err, yes that's the answer, w-well done Justin. But I wanted Opaque to answer the question."

"You got the fucking answer why does it matter? Get on with the lesson." Justin spat with a harsh tone in his voice. Wow, did this kid really just swear at a teacher, and tell him what to do? And the teacher did as he said? This school was messed up. Was I missing something? 

Confusion filled me, and for the rest of the lesson all I could think of was different scernarios in my head of why everyone was so scared of this kid. Eventually it turned 9:30am and the bell rang signalling next lesson. Bending down to get my bag, as I got back up, I turned around to see Justin standing there, as if he was waiting for me to say somthing.

"Was you going to say thank you for saving your ass anytime soon?" When he spoke this, at first I thought, he is kidding, but as I looked into his intense hazel eyes, I knew he wasn't. With hesistation, I answered.

"Ermm, thank you." As soon as I said this he stormed out of the classroom. I only noticed that he was dressed in all red, apart from black supras, as he walked out. Along with his red Jumper and red trackys, he wore a red hat with '1994' on it. As I walked out of the classroom, I found myself wondering what it signified. Or maybe it didn't.

Not processing what he meant by any of what he just said, and just as I was walking out of the classroom, Mr Piper coughed, purposefully to get my attention. I turned my head to see him leaning against his desk, whiteboard marker in hand.

"Your next lesson is tomorrow first thing, then it's at the end of the day Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I don't know you yet Opaque, but you seem like a sensible girl, one that doens't keep bad company. So if you would like, I will make sure you are seated somewhere more... catering for you, tomorrow morning, hmm?". For some delirious reason, I found myself thinking about how to answer. Why didn't I say yes straight away? Why was I thinking about it?

"Thank you Mr Piper, if you have a different seat available I will take it tomorrow! I know this sounds stupid, but to me it seems everyone is afraid of, what's his name... Justin? Even his presence, why is that?" 

"Oh *chuckles* I don't know about that, he is just a troubled teen, that's all. See you tomorrow, don't forget your Bio book." As he ended his sentence he turned away from me and began cleaning off our lessons work from the whiteboard, showing me the conversation was closed. Without hesitation this time, I walked out of the classroom. 

"Hey you!" Without warning the blonde headed girl sprang at me like a lion to it's prey. She grabbed my shoulder and was sprawling her pearly white teeth in my face. 

"Erm, hey." I forgot all about her. I just wanted to go to my next lesson and get today over with. 

"So you said you wanted to talk after class? I'm Chloe by the way, but call me Chlo." 

"Yeah um, I just didn't er understand your note. I mean what's everybodies problem with that kid Justin?" I smiled a reassuring smile to her, making sure my stuttering didn't give away messages of how nervous I was. I'm not good at making friends.

"Let's walk and talk, you have maths next right? Show me your timetable." Without giving me an option she yanked it out of my hand. "Oh fab! We have the same lessons today! We can have lunch together and you can stay with me it's going to be great. You're going to be my new best friend, you'll see!"

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