Chapter 2- Truth

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Hazel's POV

My running away was for two things;

1- To get away from the pack that hated me and from the mate that didn't want anything to do with me.

2- To find my father, my real father.

After running away from the party, I went to straight to my room and cried my eyes out. My heart hurt like someone is stabbing it repeatedly. The pain from getting rejected was unbearable and I was wondering if Ian felt it too, even though I highly doubt that he would. He didn't want me, and I didn't blame him. I was fat, ugly and weak. Who would want me as a Luna or as a mate?

A soft knock on the door cut thorough my thoughts but I didn't bother answering. I had no energy to talk or see anyone. However, the person knocking thought otherwise as I heard the door creak open.

"Hazel." My mother's voice resonated from my room's threshold.

I couldn't bring myself to look at her and just kept my face hidden in my pillow as tears escaped my eyes.

"Oh god my baby." my mother's voice cracked and soon I smelled her tears. She approached me and hugged my curled form. "I'm so sorry Hazel. It's all my fault." my mother weeped into my shoulder.

I raised my head and looked at her in confusion. "Why are you apologizing mom? It's not like you were the one that asked him to reject me." my own voice cracked and my words came out as whispers at the end.

"But if I have allowed you to go out and train with everyone else this wouldn't have happened."

"But you said that you were protecting me. That if I trained with them my wolf will die out because of how weak it is." I replied with confusion.

My mother straightened up and shook her head, her eyes never leaving her lap. I furrowed my eyebrows more. Why was she shaking her head?

"I-I lied." She muttered and if it wasn't for my heightened senses I wouldn't have caught on to what she said.

My mother took a deep breath then sighed. "I guess it's time for you to know the truth."

"The truth?" I asked with raised eyebrows. my mother only nodded, her gaze still down.

"B-before you were born, your father and I had a huge fight. I was very upset and angry. My friends suggested that we go have some fun in a bar as drink away the pain. I didn't realize how many drinks I was having until the world started spinning around me, but still, I was too tipsy and sad to care. I don't remember what exactly happened but when I woke up the next morning....I.....I.."

"You what mom?" I asked not liking what was about to come.

"I was in bed next to some guy." she blurted out. A loud gasp escaped my lips at her confession. My mother, my own mother cheated on her mate?

"Who was he?" I asked when I finally found my voice.

"His name was Patrick, the alpha of the White crescent pack." Once again, I gasped. An alpha?

"Your father of course knew right away, if not from the pain he suffered that night, then from Patrick's scent that was mixed with mine. You're father left the house for a week and later, I knew that he was looking for Patrick to kill him. Can you believe that? He didn't yell, he didn't scream, he didn't even accuse me of sleeping with someone else. He just went to kill the guy who touched his mate." my mother let out a humor-less laugh at the end.

"D-did he kill him?" I asked in disbelief.

My mother shook her head. "No, we were able to stop him before doing so, otherwise he would've initiated war between both packs."

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