At the Black House!!

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hey guys sorry there hasn't been an upload in like forever but i have had major writers block and still do to be honestbut i managed to get this done!! sorry  it's notvery long and it hasn't been edited!!


Dear Diary,

                So we went to Ness's house yesterday and I have got to say her kids can argue! let me start from the beginning!

"Are you sure we shouldn't call first? I know ness is our daughter but she is an adult now and has 2 kids of her own"

Edward looked at me with his smile that would make my heart skip a beat if it was still beating and then gently said "Come on it will be fine. I mean what could be so bad? plus we'll be knocking on the door first."

"yeah, I guess you're right"

It only took us a few minutes to get there considering we were running and there house is only down the river.

what's that noise? I could hear screaming or shouting coming from the house. Then I recognised it as EJ's voice. As we got closer I could hear more and more. when we were just outside the front gate i could clearly hear what they were talking about. Apparently Janie wasn't letting EJ have a go on there new video game!

When we got to the  front door we knocked on the door and slowly walked in. After about two seconds i was being engulfed in hugs from my grandchildren and at the same time trying to figure out what Janie was trying to say to me via her gift and it was only when Edward said to her that she should really share with her brother and let him have a go on the video game that I figured it must have been a scene from the game.It looked very farmiliar though and I couldn't understand why it would be in a game.

After that Renesmee and Jake came in to the hall and gave me a hug. Ness gave Edward a hug whilst Jake stuck to giving him a firm handshake. We all went into the front room which was kitted out with all of the latest technology including the New PLaystation system a 56" flat screen tv and music system.

Whilst me, Ed, Jake and ness were talking Janie and EJ had put on the television and they were watching this new Vampyre t.v. show that they were obsessed with called House of night and in my oppinion it isn't very suitable for them(and to be honest those vampires aren't very realistic at all).

I know they have the maturity of 15 or 16 year olds but they are still only 9. At there age Ness was watching disney channel. I remember seeing the books in a store in Seattle once and I hadn't really been interested but I think I might buy them, read them and then let Ness read them so she can see what they are watching! I know they belong to the supernatural world and all but this tv show has things that could give them nightmares plus scenes that are totally inapropriate. Charlie and renee would have been mortified to have caught me wathing this sort of thing when I was there age.

We stayed at there house until 10pm when it was time for them to go to bed. We gave them all a good night hug and then we left saying that Esme was looking forward to the twins lesson tomorrow!

On our way back to the main cullen house we stopped to hunt as i was getting slightly thirsty then we went back home and i wrote in here whilst edward went downstairs and played the piano.

Anyway I better go now Emmett want's an arm wrestling match! this should be fun since the last time we had one i was still a newborn!!

much love like always



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