Could it be a Second Date?

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Dear Kitty,

Hey Kitty, it's been so long since I've wrote in here! My day is going so great, I talked to Paul today and we were planning our next date. I'm pretty excited to think about the next date. Anyways...later I decided to go outside and look for my football friends, but no one was outside, so I just walked back home. When I got back home I saw flowers with a note saying, "Will you go out with me?" I took the beautiful flowers and behind me was Paul, he hugged me and I couldn't help myself and just started to blush like crazy. On the inside and obviously said, "Yes" about the next date in my head. So I get settled and put the beautiful flower in my vase. I head upstairs to get ready for my normal next day. My normal days are pretty boring besides playing video games and play football with Paul and the others. Here's my life...First I get up and brush my teeth and take a shower, then I go eat breakfast to head back upstairs. Turn on my laptop and open up Steam to find no one online and play Skyrim. Then hours later or till I see a friend outside, I'll turn off my laptop and look for some friends to play with. If I find them we normally play for a few hours, and then we all head inside. Then I'll head to my room and get into my pajamas and eat dinner. The family will talk for a few and I'll just stay upstairs doing nothing. I'll finally get tired around like eight or nine o' clock at night, and then go to bed. life is pretty boring and I don't know why. Paul just makes my life better than what it already is. I feel so content around him, it's not even funny anymore. I think I'm in love with him, but I'm not going to tell him because he probably wants to be just friends. Honestly I don't want to be "just friends," I want to be more than that. Anyways I'm probably going to go to bed, goodnight :)


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