February 28th, 2015
Being away from Tucker is much harder than I thought it would be.
I wake up at night from numerous nightmares and I always assume he will be there.
He isn't.
School was better. Of coarse the administrators gave us the credits from last semester. We still have to go back to school to finish out the year. Being as it is Tucker and I's senior year, we don't have a choice.
Bullies that called me "pig" or "loser" just look at me apologetically. No one says a word to me, well ones that are cruel.
Ian is still around. He still talks to me as if I never left. Which is a relief. For a while, I was tired of hearing people tell me how sorry they were.
At church, no one bullies me. Tucker's so called "friends" barely looked at me. The only one that would look at me, is Tucker.
I miss him. I shouldn't and I don't understand why, but I do.
"Hey." Ian says to me at lunch.
"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" He asks.
"Why would I?"
"Why would you not? You've been trapped with him for months so he is the only person you can turn to." The subject is still a touchy subject for me. After the note from Rina, I don't know what to believe anymore. She could be outside the school right now and I wouldn't know. The only person that will ever understand my problems is Tucker.
"Avery?" Ian asks while shaking my arm.
"Sorry." We have a little more conversation about our earlier classes. By the time I could take a break, school was over. I began to walk home and I become very aware of my surroundings. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I instantly turn around and slap the unknown person behind me.
"Ouch Ave." Tucker says. Crap.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's my fault. I probably shouldn't of tapped you like that." We laugh it off and he starts walking me home in a comfortable silence.
"Do you think she is watching us?" I say unexpectedly.
"Truth or lie?"
"Which one would you rather tell me?"
"The truth, but I don't think you want to hear it." He says sadly.
"I don't think I do either." I sigh. We end up in front of my door and before I could say anything, Tucker begins to speak.
"I miss you. This not being around you thing isn't working for me." Tucker says.
"Me too." I say surprisingly. I can't believe I agreed with it.
"Go out with me tonight?" He says bluntly.
"Yes, why not?"
"Great! I'll pick you up at six." He kisses me cheek and I walk inside. It may only by three thirty, but I start to get ready for the date.
"Avery! Tucker is here!" Espen yells from downstairs. I walk down in a simple black sweater and a red scarf. My hair is in it's natural form of waves and my makeup was done to a minimum.
"You look beautiful." He says. I smile and feel burning on my cheeks.
"You two please be careful and have fun." Espen says. She gives a long hug as if she wouldn't see me again.
"I'll be fine Mom." She almost falls apart. That was the first time I called her mom. She gives me one more hug and I walk out the door with Tucker.
"So where are we going?" I ask.
"It's a surprise, but I can tell you it isn't too out there. It's a simple date, if that's okay with you?"
"That sounds perfect. The simpler the better."
"Good." We ended up eating at a place called Cheddar's and then went to see a movie.
"Is Jupiter Ascending okay?" Tucker asks.
"Looks good to me." He bought our tickets and we got concessions. We found our seats in theater seven and sat as far away from people as we could.
Not many people have approached us since we've been home, but neither of us are fond of the attention. The movie passes very quickly and we leave without one person recognizing us.
"We need someone to take a picture of us." Tucker says. I look at him like he's lost his mind.
"So we can capture a moment in our lives that is actually good." He is so sweet.
"Okay." He goes up to a nice lady who is glad to take a picture of us.
"Okay smile on three! One, two, and three!" We smile with his arm around my waist and our smiles as big as the curve of the moon. We look at Tucker's phone and see how happy we actually are.
"You see? No matter how stressed out or worried we may be in the future, we will always have this one picture that holds our happiness for this very moment in time."
"When did you become so sweet?"
"When I met you."
"That's so cheesy."
"But you like it."
"I guess I do."
I'm being honest, this is the only chapter with happy things going on throughout the whole chapter. Sorry if I ruined your ideas for the story, but I'm just saying. If you want happy chapters, re-read this one A LOT.
If most of you remember Ian from the first chapters, you are awesome! I forgot to include him in Avery's subconscious thoughts about home while they were kidnapped. Oops on my part...
There are two-three more chapters plus an epilogue. Since it took me weeks to figure out how this chapter will go, I will move a lot faster with the last chapters. I know how I wanted those to go, but I couldn't get through this one!
Please vote and comment! I'm very encouraged by those things!!

Taken With Tucker
Mystery / ThrillerAll Avery Watson wanted was to get out of Brookhaven. She didn't like her home, her school, or her life. She wanted to go to college and start over. Tucker Hollis didn't want to leave Brookhaven. He has it all, the looks, the grades, and the popular...