I felt like y'all deserved this final update quickly. I wrote it the same day I published the last chapter and I honestly can't wait to share it anymore.Please read the authors note at the end and give me your feedback! I will greatly appreciate it!!
April 13th, 2015
I sit, waiting in the hospital. Avery is clinging to life. If I'm being honest here, I feel like I'm clinging to life too. She is on life support and is in a coma.
Rina and her husband or whatever he was to her, were charged with abduction of two minors and attempted murder. They admitted to everything so there won't be a trial. They were both sentenced to life in prison. In thirty years, they will be eligible for parole.
That word haunts me everyday. I almost lost my best friend and I'm still hoping she stays with us. Doctors aren't sure she will make it. One of the two shots missed everything vital, but the second bullet hit her left kidney. They had to remove it and now her right kidney is starting to fail. It's okay, but it's not looking very good. They put her on a donor list and we just have to wait. She has a rare blood type of AB. Everyone I know wanted to be tested to see if they were a match to Avery. So far, no one was.
Axel, her brother that wasn't even her real brother we discovered, was tested and he wasn't a match.
"This makes me mad. I knew we were kinda siblings, but I thought I would of matched. I'm sorry." Axel says.
"It's okay. What happened with you and Rina?"
"I still don't like talking about it. Let's just say, it wasn't the greatest moments in my life."
"I'm sorry for bringing it up."
"It's fine, you were only curious. I am thankful she is in jail and away from all of us." He says.
"Me too." He gets up and leaves the hospital. The only sibling Avery has left is no where to be found, Addisyn. She is her last hope.
"You should go home and get some sleep." Espen tells me. I look at the clock in the waiting room and it reads midnight.
"I can't leave her." I say.
"I know, but you need to worry about yourself too. Avery wouldn't want you to be unhealthy and to be cooped up in here worrying about her."
"She would do the same if it were me." I say sadly.
"Please go home and freshen up. I'll call you and let you know if her prognosis changes." She smiles at me.
"Can I see her before I go?" I ask.
"Sure." I get up and walk toward Room 523 and see Avery under all of the cords and machines. Beeping sounds cloud my hearing, but I still sit next to her. I grab her warm hand and squeeze.
"Hey, Ave. I know you are in there somewhere. So I know you can hear me. We are looking for donors to get you the kidney you need. We are hoping your sister may show up. She is a very likely donor." I stare at her blank face. She looks so beautiful and I wish I could see her eyes.

Taken With Tucker
Mystery / ThrillerAll Avery Watson wanted was to get out of Brookhaven. She didn't like her home, her school, or her life. She wanted to go to college and start over. Tucker Hollis didn't want to leave Brookhaven. He has it all, the looks, the grades, and the popular...