Chapter 3

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 I ran up in front of her and looked at her will pleading eye. “Thalia, please! I know you had a fight with Jason, but please just for me, for all of us, just get over it already? Or at least just for now? Please?”

Normally she would fall for my puppy dog eyes, but this time she looked dead serious. She glared at me angrily and nearly screamed, “I can’t Alea! Why won’t you understand that? What he did was unforgivable!!”

Ellie and Janice looked at us with a confused look. “What did Jason do?” I heard Janice ask Ellie, and saw that Ellie just shrugged.

I ignored them and glared back at Thalia, “Who said I didn’t?! I was there when it happened, and I was there for you when you were hurt.” I hissed angrily. Then I softened my voice to a sad whisper, “Why can you be here for me now? For all of us? Thalia, Diana is gone, and so is nearly everyone else. I NEED to find her, it was the one promise I have ever made to my mom, it’s the only thing I have of her that’s left. Diana is the only real family I have left Thalia, I can’t lose her. Please Thalia, we need to find them!” I pleaded, and I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

She shook her head stubbornly and turned away. I glared at her angrily, how much stupider could she possible get?!!?  I thought where was the intelligent, strong, independent leader that was here the whole time before?

I blinked several times and then looked in front of me again, hoping to see the old Thalia, but instead I was a broken Thalia, already on the verge of tears. I knew what Jason did was wrong beyond anything in the world and I hated him for hurting Thalia so much, but this is just ridiculous. The one time we really need her leading skills the most, she cowers away because of some argument she had with her own brother a year ago.

We stood there in silence, glaring at each other until she broke the silence.

“We need to protect the camp, just in case they come back.” She croaked sternly.

My anger rose even higher until it finally I could no longer hold it in. “WHAT CAMP?? Thalia, there is no one here, therefore there is no more camp to protect!!! Why can’t you just suck it up already with your brother and stop being so freaking selfish!!?!?!” I screamed at her.

She stared at me with a shocked expression, but with reason since I never once exploded like that. To anyone , much less Thalia. She was my best friend here at our mini-camp, even more than Ellie. If she came any later or if I became a Hunter sooner, I would have become the leader, but she became a leader before me, and frankly she was doing a really good job at it…was.  I never got angry at her before, but this time I couldn’t help it, it was Diana’s and everyone else’s life we were talking about here.

I looked over to Ellie and Janice and saw that their face was full of shock and confusion as well. Unusually I would want to break down in a situation like this and apologize for being so disrespectful towards Thalia, but not this time.

This time I had to hold my ground, so I continued to glare at Thalia who was glaring back through narrowed eyes.

It seemed like forever, but then she finally, but stiffly, answered, Very well. But do not expect me to interact with Jason. It would be best if he didn’t come at all actually, but I know that they need him since he is part of the almighty Chosen ones.” She said sarcastically. “Now go, Iris-message them telling them to come here. But make sure to tell them I do not want anyone else tagging along with them. Unless it was Mrs. O’Leary of course, but no one else.”

My heart filled with happiness at her words, and I fought the urge to give her a large hug. But instead I quickly thanked her and ran back to my tent. I reached the entrance and slowly took a step inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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