Chapter 7

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I woke up to a text and saw it was from a weird number I didn't know.

???: hey what's up?

Me: who is this?

???: it's Grayson your neighbor.

Me: Oh hi. How did you get my number.

Grayson: your mom.

Me: hahaha. Sry I have to actually sleep. But I'll text u when I get up!

Grayson: Oh OK. Bye

I go back to sleep and wake up 4hours later at 6:45 then texted Grayson.

Me: good morning!!

Grayson: Geez u wake up early. I would still be sleeping but now I can't sleep anymore cause u woke me up.

All of a sudden I get a text from Katrina asking if she could fly over to New Jersey this weekend. So I ran downstairs in my PJ's still and tell mom all about it. Mom said "sure it's fine with me if it's OK with her mom." I screamed with joy and ran upstairs to get ready.

Once I was done getting dressed and put on makeup I looked in the mirror and took a selfie to post on instagram. I looked at myself  looking at my clothes I chose. I wore a blue and grey tank top with dark shorts and of course my black converse that I love so much.

Grayson text me that he was outside and I heard a knock. I ran around the house to find my bag.  I finally found it and saw Grayson was standing in a sexy way. He was biting his lip on one side while he had his arm on the door way.

I locked the door behind me and felt something warm around my waist and looked down to see graysons hand there squeezing me. Then I hear Ethan kind of yell.

"Quit flirting we have to focus on getting to school right now!"

"Fine." Grayson said in a sad way and removed his hand from my waist but I wish it we're still there.

"Oh I have someone I want you both to meet when she gets here on Friday after school!"

"Sh-she?" Ethan studdered as he look at me. Then went back to his normal smiling self.

"Yes. She is my best friend Katrina."

They both went silent and we walked in the front doors of school. When lunch came I went over to Grayson and Ethan and sat down. Ethan looked at me and began to speak.

"Who is this Katrina girl you speak of?" He said looking like he regretted saying that.

"Well she is from Oregon she's a freshman like we are. She and I love to long board in the streets all the time. Hehe" I said laughing a little because we are such "rebels".

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