Chapter 8

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Hi :)

As soon as I was sure that the zom was dead, for good, I beckoned David over. Without taking my eyes off of the rotting body I took hold of David's hand and led him away from the gory scene. Black sludge stained the previous emereld green grass, the stench overwhelming. Out of the corner of my eye I saw David starting to gag as we stepped over a dead zom, it's neck torn to shreds. Giant black flies began to swarm the bodies, I shuddered thinking that I could have been one of them.

We walked for three hours and finally camped out close to a small streambed. A rusty, moss covered, Toyota sat unused for years by it. I led David over to it and forced the door open. I helped him slip inside and lay down on the cracked leather seat. He closed his eyes and was instantly asleep. After scanning the golden lit meadow I headed over to the creek. Washing my hands off in the freezing water I let out a jaw cracking yawn.

I froze, my hands still in the running water. I had never been tired in years. This gave me more proof, and hope, that I was beginning to turn back. I wiped my hands of in the sun warmed grass and glanced at the setting sun. Picking up my tired and broken body I walked over to the truck and opened the back door. David stirred in the front but otherwise stayed asleep. I layed on my sore back and stared at the roof letting my brick heavy eyes slide close.

"Come on Chong you can so do better than that!" my brother said, pressing the buttons on his nintendo in a random order. I sat in the chair across from him completely focused on the small screen of my nintendo. We were playing Mario Cart and I was so losing.

"You can't talk, you're an expert at this!" I said trying not to let my focus slip. His bell like laughter rang through the empty house. The game finally ended and I dropped the blue nintendo and ran over to my brother throwing him up into the air. He shrieked and laughed and tried to run away from me. We made our way to the kitchen where our mother stood by the oven rattling pans. Our father sat in a wooden kitchen chair, a novel open on his lap.

"Chong why don't you go out and look for some more supplies." my mother said from the counter. Everyone froze and all noises ceased. "He's just a boy, I'll go." my father said setting aside his book and standing up, streching his back.

"No, he's old enough to go. Chong be careful now." my mother said without looking at me, but she didn't have to. I heard the saddness in her voice. She loved me, but she loved my father more and didn't want him to keep risking his life.

I walked to the door and slipped out without saying a word. I walked down the dark and silent streets peeking into empty houses. I grabbed cans of food and other things we could use, thick blankets, abandoned flashlights, and small toys for my brother. I began the long walk back to my house, one of the only occupied houses left.

Heavy footsteps shuffled behind me and I broke out in a cold sweat. I spun around but it was to late. Strong dead hands gripped my arm and bit down hard on my wrist. I screamed and tore away sprinting down the sidewalk the zombie following behind, but couldn't keep up. I nearly broke down my door and slammed it behind me. My family ran into the living room but froze when they saw me.

The next hour was a shady blur of strong ropes holding me down and screams. I remember faces full of terror. Then one face showed clear.

I snapped awake panting and sweating. I looked at David and was releived when he was still asleep. I crawled out of the truck and walked over to the streem. The sun was still down but it didn't bother me. I fell on the ground and stared up at the sky. A huge weight seemed to be lifted from my shoulders, a little of the guilt I felt all of these years gone. I hadn't killed my brother. In fact he was with me asleep on the cracked leather seat of an old Toyota.


Didn't see that one coming did ya?! Well boom it happened :p Hahaha :) Well this chapter is dedicated to @AngelWithAShotGun44 for the comment :)

Thanks for reading please vote and comment thanks :)

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