Chapter 9

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I sat by the river until the sun rose all the way. I heard David open the car door and jump down onto the long wheat. I turned to him and smiled. I had been practising for hours and now I was ready. I pointed to myself and said, "Ch-Chong." He grinned at me and, getting a faraway sad look in his eyes, said," I used to have a brother named Chong."

I nodded and pointed at myself and said my name again. Suddenly it dawned on him. "No way!" He shouted running to me and grabbing me into a big hug. I hugged him back. I heard him crying and saying, "I thought you were gone forever. I thought I was alone." We finally started on our way searching for patches of berries or a random apple tree here and there. David took a long drink of cool water from the silver stream before we left. I took one too and felt like a long thurst that I didn't know I had had been quenched. The same happened when I ate a wild strawberry.

We walked for a while talking. I squinted and saw something that scared me. A house sat in the distant, and by the look of it it was occupied. I looked at David and we both knew what was going to have to happen. We would have to split up. I would have to go back to being a mindless zombie while my brother grew up with people he didn't even know. I didn't want this to happen and neither did he. Suddenly there was a loud crack and I felt a sting in my chest.

Looking down I saw a penny sized hole in my chest, red, thin, blood began to stain my shirt. Looking back up I saw a middle aged man running toward shouting something but to far away for me to tell. I felt David pulling my hand and shouting my name, but it all seemed far away. I felt myself falling. Falling into a dark and endless pit. I didn't want to go there. I had to fight it, had to stick around for David. I heard booming vocies echoing around me in the dark. Everything sounded jumbled and mixed up but one sentence sounded clear and it gave me some hope, "I'm so sorry your brother looked like a zom I didn't mean to shoot him."

I know it isn't a hopeful sentence for others but for me it is. It meant that, though I still looked like a zom, I was becoming human again.


Another chapter up, Yay! So yeah he's healing himself and such. I hope you liked this chapter and I would really like to hear what you guys think should happen next.

This chapter is dedicated to fifininja for the comment :)

Thanks for reading please vote and comment thanks :)

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