Chapter One: Meeting Her Roommate

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Levy yawned and sat up in her bed. She glanced at her alarm clock, that she had ignored for a while now. It was still beeping and the bright green numbers on the screen were telling her it was five a.m. and that she needed to wake. She slammed the off button and swung her legs over the side of her huge queen sized bed that was way too big for her needs. 

Levy slipped her feet into her slippers and shuffled into her kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She ran into her roommate, Lucy, who was making herself breakfast. "Well good morning, I was wondering if I would have to go in there and wake you up since that damn alarm clock didn't seem to be doing the trick." She said flipping the pancake that was in her skillet. 

"Haha," Levy said glaring at the blonde girl. "Shouldn't you be getting ready..." She trailed off looking her friend up and down. She was ready for her school day already, and probably waiting on her friend to get dressed herself. Levy growled and walked away as soon as Lucy smirked.

"Go get dressed, Ms. McGarden!" Lucy shouted down the hall at the small blue haired girl. 

"Shut it!" Levy snapped as she closed the bathroom door and started the shower.

Gajeel sighed slightly annoyed with the fact that he was awake and his idiot of a roommate was not. He banged on Natsu's door. "Come on ya idiot, wake yer ass up! I ain't going to this damn school alone!" He shouted with every bang.

The door opened, slowly, about a minute later. Natsu glared at him with a messy bed head, "What do ya want?" He asked grouchily.

"We have  school you dumbass." Gajeel leaned against the hall wall across Natsu's room. "And I ain't goin' alone so if ya don't get yer ass ready in," he checked his watch, seven thirty, "ten minutes, I'm stayin' home." 

"Fine." Natsu closed the door. Gajeel walked into the living room and fell back into the couch. He leaned on his right hand tapping his foot. After about five minutes, Natsu walked out dressed and combing his messy hair. "Let's go." He said grabbing his bag.

"Alright, but I'm driving."

"Fine by me, but we need to pick Luce up, she moved to a new place with a friend of hers a week and a half ago and she needs a ride."

"Why can't her friend take her?" Gajeel asked grabbing the keys to his car.

"Because she has a job, and if she took Lucy to school, she would end up late clocking in."

Gajeel rolled his eyes and walked out the door with his pink haired friend.

Levy filled her thermos with the coffee she had brewed for her self and added creamer as her blonde friend relaxed on the sofa. "Hey," Levy said leaning on the counter. "Are you sure you don't want a ride to school? I'm working there so you get there a little earlier but-,"

"Levy," Lucy said cutting her off. "I have a friend on his way to get me already."

"Alright." Levy grabbed the cap to her cup and screwed it on. She shook her coffee up a bit and looked at her friend. She went to speak but there was a knock, well more of a bang, at the door. She glared and walked over to it once she realized Lucy was still sitting on the couch.

"Yes?" Levy said opening the door. There was a tall guy, about eighteen or nineteen, standing there. His many piercings threw the small English teacher off a bit and she glanced over at Lucy who smiled at her from the door.

"We're here for Lucy." Another voice said. Levy looked around the tall , dark haired, man and saw a  pink hair teen behind him. 

"Of course." She glanced at Lucy again. "You seem early though."

"Yeah, well if I have to get my ass to school, I ain't sitting around in my apartment where I'll just have more and more of a damn reason to stay home." The pierced guy said. "Now can we come in, shrimp?"

Levy glared at the man when he called her "Shrimp". She was very sensitive when it came to her height. "Sure." She said through her teeth. She moved aside and the two came inside. She left the door opened and grabbed her keys and coffee. She grabbed her purse and glared at her roommate and her friend, "Don't wreck the apartment." She closed the door and left.  

"Who was the shrimp?" Gajeel asked as soon as the small girl closed the door. 

"Oh, that's just Levy." Lucy shrugged and stood up. "So we should go to breakfast!" 

Gajeel growled as Natsu nodded in agreement. 

"Fine." Gajeel said, clearly out voted. "But I ain't buyin'."

Natsu glared at his roommate and pulled out his wallet, "It's on me then!" He said a little too happy. 

Gajeel raised an eyebrow as the two headed out the door. Gajeel was the last out of the apartment, and as Lucy locked the apartment door, he noticed that the blue haired girl was still in the hall way. She was picking up things that seemed to had fallen out of her purse. 

Gajeel looked at his friend and his "girlfriend" and then back at the small girl. He sighed and walked over to her. "Levy right?" Gajeel asked kneeling down. He helped her pick up her things.

"Yeah, I assume Lucy told you?" She said glancing at him. He picked up her wallet.

Gajeel nodded and handed her her wallet. "Don't drop yer bag, again, shrimp." He said as she took it and stuffed it back into her bag. 

"I'm not that small." She huffed. "Thanks for the help." She rushed away after that, clearly annoyed with him. Gajeel watched her walk away so quickly. She seemed smarter than him, he could just tell by the sound of her voice, but she was adorable. She still looked so young, not too much older than him, if she was even older than him. 

Gajeel heard a snickering behind him and he turned around to see Lucy and Natsu laughing at him, "What?!" He snapped.

"No-thing, Iron Dragon." Natsu said holding back a laugh.

"Whatever, let's just go." Gajeel said.

"Levy totally wanted nothing to do with him." He heard Lucy whisper behind him.

"Yeah," Natsu whispered back.

"She's super shy though," Lucy said a little louder. "And she's always stuck out because she is way smarter than everyone else of our age group. She really just turned eighteen." 

Gajeel glanced back at Lucy who was looking right at him. I knew it.

A Smart Girl's Problem {Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now