Chapter 5

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"Sorry I'm late" I say running in breathless to tutoring. He had ear phones in and I rolled my eyes, he didn't even notice I was here. "Dylan!"

"Oh shi- Hi Carter" he says looking up at me. I had just ran from work, it's about three blocks away and he says Hi. "Why are you so sweaty?"

"I just ran three blocks to get here and I'm not the fittest" I explain. He pats the chair next to him and I sit down.

"Okay So your teacher is giving you the test tomorrow?" He asks. I nod while grabbing my book out.

"It's my Ratio and Rates test" I tell him. He nods and gets a sheet out.

"Work on this and tell me when your done"


"Can you please do the dishes" Tyler asked as I walked into the lounge room. I put my bag down and just sit on the couch. "Please Carter?, my friends are coming over and I need to finish my homework"

"Which friends?" I ask.

"Jack, Riley and Bohdi" he says. I nod and pretend to count.

"So an environment freak, music lover and a science geek?" I ask laughing. He nods and points to the kitchen. "Only cause I love Riley"

"No boy living in this house until your thirty" Tyler says sternly. I chuckle.

"You should of told me of then rule before I lost my innocence" I shout. His head snaps towards me.

"you what?!" He pretty much yells.

"Take a joke Tyler" I laugh. He grumbles something while shaking his head and then goes back to the text book.

I walk into the kitchen to see only three plates and two cups on the sink. It's gonna be easy, I turn it on and start washing up.

The front door opens and three teenage boys walk into the room. I scoff and then look at me.

"It's my love!" Bohdi shouts. I run up and hug him. "I did miss you Cart"

"I missed you too" I say pulling away. Bohdi has been in America for a year and he has finally got back. My brother walks into the room and gives him a 'bro' hug.

"Well let's order pizzas!" I yell. They laugh and nod.

I sit down with my four brothers, just eating pizzas.


"Dylan! Dylan! Dylan! Dylan!" I shout running down to the cola. It's the middle of lunch and people give me strangers looks as I run past.

Him and all his friends look at me. I couldn't stay still, I was jumping everywhere.

"What?" He asks laughing at my behaviour.

"I, Carter Stewart, got an A on my test!" I say excitedly. He jumps up and hugs me.

"See there is a brain in there" he says knocking my head. I blush and look away, a bunch of his friends make 'owing' noises. "Go and have fun with your friends"

"Oh.. Okay.. Bye" I say stuttering. He looks at me worried, I ignore him and run or to my friends.

"Carter some back here!" Dylan yells at me. I turn around and he drags me away from mine and his friends. "Carter, what's wrong?"

"Well... It's embarrassing!" I say hiding my face.

"Carter" he says sternly. I put my hands by my side and stare him in the eyes.

"Since you have been tutoring me, I have got feelings for you and I maybe thought that you would like me too but I guess you don't" I say. I sigh and look down.

"Carter, I'm sorry I lead you on like that but I'm gay" he says. I look at him with surprise. "And I thought you had a boyfriend?"

"I didn't but I found he was cheating me, I didn't like him in the end anyway" I explain.

"Hey come on, cheer up!" He says playfully pushing me. "I knew someone that does like you"

"Who?" I ask confused.

"He is closer to you than you may expect"


That person had end up being Riley, after two months he had asked me out. He my brother first which I was a bit annoyed at first but I got over it.

I'm his high school sweet heart and he is my good ball.

Dylan is still there for me when I need it but we have grown apart. He went to uni and I stayed at school.

Riley had asked me out at their graduation dance which I went to with him. Tyler and Bohdi had helped him plan it out.

How do I know? We have two home phones and if you have one you here the conversation going on in the other. Well they used the home phone.

"Smile!" Tyler as he runs to the group. Tyler puts his arm over my shoulder, Riley puts his arm around my waist. Bohdi making funny faces with Shaun and Brooke and I holding out swelling stomachs, hers slightly more due to having two of them instead one.

"This ain't no cliche love story" I say out loud, everyone smiles and our happiness has been captured.


Riley above, comment if you know who it is!!!

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