2/Only Curious

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His lips touched mine again and it just felt... It felt... weird. It felt kinda wrong. That was then I pushed him away.

  Draco was shocked at the same time hurt. How in Godric's name did he became shock and hurt at the same time?? I think I should be the one who's shock, right? I mean, he's the enemy, the enemy who's got pure hatred on my besties. He's the one who's plotting on killing Professor Dumbledore (as what Harry assumes).

"What's wrong? Did I bite you or something? Did I do something wrong? Di-"

"Yes you did!" I exclaimed, my hands in the air.. I turned my back on him still thinking through what just happened..

And so the ferret spoke again, "Okay, in all honesty.. Of all the girls I've kissed, you're the only I haven't received a compliment from after."

Ugh. Why did I just let him kiss me?

I faced back at him with disbelief written in my face.

"Just saying." He said then shrugged.

"Where is your humility?" I said, then grabbed the strap of my bag and went off.

Draco was left dumbstruck at that moment and before I get back inside the castle I shouted facing back at the boy, "Nothing happened between us! Okay?"

Before I get any response, I ran inside and away from the lake. Good thing 'Mione took the heavy books then maybe I'd have some troubles running..

I went pass the Great Hall and skipped through the moving steps then finally facing the Fat Lady.

"Password?" she asked.

"Venustus Nox."

(A/N: You should know where that came from. *wink* Mkay, continue reading!)

I entered the Gryffindor common room and slumped down to the nearest sofa, my breathing very heavy and forehead sweaty.

"Hey (Y/N)! You alright?"

I jumped on my place, shocked that Ron was actually sitting on one of the couches across me..

"Uh.. Yeah, I'm al-" but before I could finish my response, Ron ran in front of me looking concerned.

Then he asked, "What did Malfoy do to you?"

"How did you know about Dra- Malfoy?"

"Hermione told us. Look at you! You're all sweaty and messy.. I'm gonna tell Harry." He instantly ran up their dormitories.

"RON! DON'T!" I shouted, I'm too tired for this. My head's still confused of what just happened.

This is stupid. What I did was unbelievable!

But then it got me thinking, why is this a big deal? Kissing a Slytherin who we are blindly accusing of being a follower of Voldemort just because his parents are. It's not our right to think of such thing when we still are unsure.

But then the memories of Draco's dirty words, acts, especially threats to my friends and I came flooding in. Though that musn't mean he isn't that all bad? But then what good did he do anyways? He just kissed me! I felt something and to him, he may not feel the same way as I did. He may have said something sweet and undeniably cheesy and clichè but that must not mean he meant it. He probably said the same thing to countless girls.

This is silly.

I stood up from the couch and head to the girls' dormitories, feeling exhausted. Nevermind them, they could all wait for tomorrow. But for now, I need some rest.

The next day.

Sitting back on the couch, where I was at when I was pondering and sweating about stuffs, is me staring back at the fireplace that isn't running. I woke up too early since I slept way too early than when I usually especially on weekends. Everyone is still asleep and once again this confused girl is alone in the common room.

Had enough of staring into space, I got up and went to the Great Hall to grab breakfast. Once I am no longer starving, left the grand cafeteria and was about to get back to my room when I thought of just spending my time in the library and do some light reading.

Giddy with that thought I walked through the halls of my alma mater. Taking in the quiet time that I have with this majestic school and appreciating its beauty and magic.

As I got near the hall heading to the library I passed the stairways going to the third floor which is usually secluded by students and was warned by Mr. Dumbledore in our first year. Then I moved to the next floor then the following until I reached the seventh.

Since as though it feels like I've got the whole castle to myself, I went up.

Once I stepped unto the floor, the forbidden one, I felt excited and nervous... I'm not one who disobeys orders but right now I don't know what's gotten into me!

I am a rebel!

No, I'm just kidding. I am just curious that's all! Being rebellious is an understatement. Oh wait. Now I know Harry's way of living! I chuckled at the thought and skipped through the hallway.

I stopped in front of a door encrypted with loopy whatnots and a knob that takes form of a ring and I hold it around my fingers. My heart is beating rapidly. Have I gone too far?

"(Y/N) don't."

I squealed at the sound and fell on the floor my hand on my chest where I can feel the beating of my heart. Looking around to where the sound came from and to only see Malfoy. His face filled with shock and uneasiness, with me wearing the same expressions.

Author's Note:

The wait is finally over! This is just going to turn out as a short story though with three chapters so the next one will be the last one. Anyways, thank you for your patience! It is very much appreciated!

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