1:Ordinary Rich Girl

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*Delilah's Pov*

I'm Delilah. I'm 17 years old and a senior in high school.

I live with my mom Marilyn, my dad Basil, older sister Miche and my broth-nevermind um forget that. As you can guess I live as the usual. But one problem. I'm rich.

I know what your thinking, what's wrong with being rich? Well I fudging hate it. I'm known as the "usual rich" girl, which is true about the second part but I'm not the usual. No.

I don't 'shop till I drop' just because I can afford it. I would dare think of bragging about it. At all. I don't live the you might think I do.

Some people tend to think that I'm snobby and conceited too so they avoid me. But then others only want to be my friend because of my money.

So it sucks.

My parents are both CEO' s of the same building. So they have lots of income but their constantly working.

The only time we see them is when they are here in the morning's...leaving, sometimes they leave at a ungodly hour so they just stick a note on the counter if they have time.

They on the other hand loveee the life they created for us. We live in a mansion basically which is totally unnecessary considering there's only 4 of us and there's like 11 bedrooms.

Guests rooms are always their answer when asked why there are so many rooms.

My dream life would be to live an ordinary life where I pay for my own things. Where I dont have to only wear designer things because ' I have the money. Where I can earn things myself and feel good once getting it knowing I worked for it.

Forget about that. Let's carry on. I don't have a boyfriend and I never will want one... well anymore.

When I was I think 15, I had this boyfriend. His name was Harry, he was perfect...at the start at least. He bought me a rose every day, writing the sweetest notes in them. Gave me a kiss every 5 minutes we were together and he would buy ice cream and crisps every time I felt down and then we would watch movies for hours on until I fell asleep.

I still remember it like it was yesterday...


I was sitting on the couch crying my eyes out. I had just found out my brother's illnes got worse and the doctor could only do as much as he could. He had 3rd stage cancer and it was announced just yesterday.

My phone started ringing on the couch next to me. I looked at it hoping whoever was calling would maybe stop after a while.

But it didn't

Finally after the 4th ring I dragged myself off the couch and grabbed my phone off the soft seat looking at the caller.

It was Harry.

I hesitantly clicked the green answer button and brought the device slowly up to my ear holding it there.

" Delilah! Sweetheart. What's wrong, I called you over and over!?" He called the the phone concern and worry laced in his voice.

"H-Harry!" I said being cut off by the sob leaving my mouth. "-the d-doctor called and s-said there's not much more t-they could do for Jake, that his already moved on to 3rd s-stage their options a-are limited!"

My voice strained out the words,the lump in my throat making it hard for me to talk.

"God Delilah! I'm so so sorry, I wish I could do something!"

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