4: Music Project

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Sitting in class with Harry breathing down my neck is not my ideal situation.

Basically the bell rang signalling lunch had ended so we had to get to class and lucky me I got Harry in my music class. Yay.

He sat behind and I could feel the stare on my back burning holes.

I shifted uncomfortably and try to focus on what the teacher was saying.

"Alright guys so, you'll be doing a music project where you need to perform a song together it consisting of groups of 4. lll let you choose the first person and then I will pick two other groups to join your yours. You may choose now." She spoke loudly then sat down again.

I looked around awkwardly not really knowing anyone. I watched as girls walked over to Harry asking him flirtatiously if he wanted to be in their group.

He shook his head not even bothering to look at them because he was so busy staring at me. The girls followed his gaze and their eyes landed on me.

They instantly scowled at me and walked off huffing angrily.

A presence blocked my sight from looking around and I quickly looked up to see a boy with brunnete hair and hazel eyes. He was cute.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at me smiling.

"Hi I'm Luke. Do you have a partner?" He asked me cutely.

I grinned at him before realizing he had asked me a question.

"Oh no. No I don't" I responded blushing slightly. He smiled at me and responded cheerfully.

"Thats great. Me too. That means we could join up. I mean if you want"

I giggled at him " Yeah sure of course. I'm Delilah sorry"

He breathed out and sat next to me. I ignored the stare Harry was giving me.

"Okay everyone I'll be choosing your last two please sit down" she spoke and her eyes wondered the class before she spoke again.

"Okay lets go with Zack and Julia with Tristan and Aidan" the four high fived each other glad that their in a group with friends.

"Alex and Alec you can go with Zanita and Ariel"

"Lets see. Brooke and Cailin you go with Angela and Kourtney"

"And lastly Delilah and Luke you go with Harry seeming he doesn't have a partner."

I froze and looked behind me to where Harry sat alone, his eyes caught mine and he winked causing me to turn around quickly frowning.

Luke turned to me and leaned forward whispering, " Wanna explain to me why Harry bad boy over there is staring at you like a piece of meat?"

I flushed and whispered back, "He's an ex-boyfriend I really don't want to communicate with"

He nodded back understandingly  and leaned back before speaking softly " Don't worry I'll keep an eye out for you"

I smiled widely at him "Thanx" I replied.

He chuckled and responded with a no problem.

We watched as Harry turned his chair around to face us.

"So what song are we doing" he asked looking at me. I looked up shifting uncomfortably again. Luke noticed and looked at him and spoke "I don't know, have anything in mind"

He smirked and replied "Bad Bitch"
I scowled at him because he knew when were together I absolutely loathed that song.


Luke saw my scowl and quickly turned it down.

We sat in silence before Luke clicked his fingers together as if he had gotten an idea.

"How about we do Ed Sheeran Photograph" he suggested enthusiastically.

"I love that song sooo much" I squealed out.

Harry frowned and shook his head " I don't like it" he spoke.

We snapped our heads towards him and raised our eyebrows.

"Why" Luke and I asked at the same time.

He furrowed his eyebrows together grumpily and mumbled out a 'I just dont'.

We rolled our eyes and thought again. Silence echoed through our brains though. The only sounds are of the rest of the class chatting away.

Before a idea popped up in my head, " Hey!-" I spoke but Luke cut me off.

"Hi" I rolled my eyes playfully at his response giggling lightly.

Harry sat there scowling at us but mainly at Luke. What's up with him.

I still can't believe he's here...right in front of me. My thoughts took me away before a pair of fingers clicking themselves brought me back down to earth.

"Earth to Delilah" spoke Luke concerned.

"Wha-huh?" I said snapping out of my daze.

Oh right. The song.

I moaned loudly rolling my eyes causing Luke to chuckle mischievously.

"Woah. Delilah. Babe wait till we get home." He joked but Harry didn't seem to find anything funny.

"Your dating this prick!?" He shouted out catching a few kids attention.

My eyes widened at flashbacks of the past with him popped up in my mind.

"N-no we...I-" but he cut me off standing up roughly taking the chair down.

"Well I would expect it from a slut like you" he spat but Luke stood up quickly towering over Harry by a good two inches.

"Hey man. Watch your words-" but Harry shoved him back causing him to stumble slightly. Slightly.

"Or what!" Harry challenged angrily.

Lukes eyes darkened and I almost didn't recognize him for a second. Woah.

"Or lll fuck you up" he answered back smirking.

A couple 'oohs' and 'burns' were echoed through the classroom.

My eyes wondered to where the teacher was. But she wasn't even in the classroom. Oh wow great right?.

I stood up and went to stand in front of Luke blocking him from Harry.

"Harry stop being fucking stupid and sit down. It's not your business who I date or not because guess what! WE'RE OVER!!!"

I shouted out angrily my hands flailing around.

Harry stared at me hardly and quickly stormed out the classroom not before shoulder bumping me causing me to fall on to Luke.

He caught me quickly though and held me up securing me.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

I stayed quiet and processed everything. By now the attention was off us which was a huge relief.

I shook my head slowly and responded blunt yet sarcastically, "Just peachy"

I'm craving peaches...hmm coincidental much? Haha but thanx guys this is chapter 4 enjoy the next.





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