Me you and Liam?

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As i sat there editing my video i hear footsteps climbing the stairs of my apartment. *Knock Knock* "Oh come on Sophia you can use your key!" I laughed "But it's not Sophia" a guy's voice chuckled. I opened up the door and saw that it was Liam Payne "LIAM!!" "AVE!!" We hugged and let go "how was tour?" "It was great but i missed her way too much. Where is she?" I gave him a sympathetic smile "sorry li she is in class." He sighed "well umm.. Can i wait for her?" I nodded "yes of course Liam i was just editing my new video." He smiled and took my laptop to watch it. "You danced to Drag Me Down?" I nodded shyly "it's so smooth i love it!" He said "thanks i worked really hard on it!" He smiled "I know who would like it even more. My friend Noah he recently became single and i was wondering if you would go on a double date with me sophia and him."  I laughed "Yes because the last time you set me up with one of your friends it worked out so well" i teased him "hey it's not my fault that louis and harry ended up liking each other" "everyone knows me as 'TheBeard'" i laughed and he half smiled "okay i will go on a double date with you guys." He smiled fully and chuckled "thanks Ave this is will be good for him" we talked for awhile finally i ask the question i always ask "so how's Niall?" He told me all about Niall and his girlfriend Brooke. "He's doing okay but she is a bitch." I frowned "Well from what everyone thinks she is the bloody queen" i said snarling and he laughed "i know she is so rude to me and the boys but Niall doesn't see it." I was going to reply back until i heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Oh hide in her room, this is going to be good" i said and he chuckled and ran in there. "Honey i'm home!" Sophia called out putting her keys on the stand next to the door. "Hey have you heard from Liam yet?" I asked and she frowned grabbing some grapes from the fridge. "No I haven't not even a text message." She sighed and i gave her sympathetic smile. "Oh well i have." She ran up to me "what? How? What did he say? Is he okay? I'm worried about him i miss him so much and I don't want to keep texting him because he is so busy, and I don't want to bother him." That's when Sophia was turned around by Liam. "Babe i'm fine i missed you so much!" Sophia screamed "LIAM!!" She started crying and then they started to make out. "Okay well then i guess i will go to my room." She laughed into his kiss "sorry Ave!" She said but it sounded more like "Smorrrygy mhmmm avge" as i sat on my bed i decided a change of scenery was in order and since the living room has been taken over by Sophiam I decided to use the fire escape i grabbed my keys wrote a note to sophia telling her i was going to starbucks.

As i jumped down from the fire escape i heard a guys voice "damn look at you all sexy and stuff" the drunk stranger slurred. "Umm excuse me but i have to be going." He put his hand on the door of my car "oh come on loosen up babe you're hot i'm hot why don't we go back to my place and have a couple drinks." He leaned up against my car "listen I don't want to be rude but I can't i have to go to work. So let me be" he just stared at me as if i was stupid. "Um move please?" I asked again "okay but i will see you later tonight!" And he walked away good thing i will be with Liam and sophia and this mystery guy noah tonight. I got in my car and drove to Starbucks i ordered my white chocolate mocha latte and sat back down getting out my laptop. I was editing my video and checking twitter for what seemed like forever, until i got a text from sophia. "Hey love we are going out to the club after dinner tonight and we are leaving for dinner in about 3 hours liam has gone home come help me pick out my outfit! 💁🏻" i smiled uploading the video throwing away my cup packing everything up and then leaving Starbucks.

Me you and everything in between Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora