Me you and the Emergency Room?

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Niall's POV

"Help my friend was punched by a guy at Club Bonanza." I said calmly carrying Averie through the ER "Oh my god. We'll have a bed for her right away." A male nurse came out with a bed and i sat her down on top of it. " is there anyone that may have her info?" The receptionist asked and just as she asked that Sophia ran through the door "she will have her info may i please go back with her." The nurse nodded and the boys and sophia looked at me and nodded and i rushed by her side. As we were admitted to a room she was starting stir awake "mhmm ow!!" She moved "Averie it's going to be okay. I promise i'm here for you love." I whispered stroking her hand "hmm" she sighed happily with a half smile on her face. "Hello Niall i'm Dr.Anderson please tell me exactly what happened." I told her the story and she frowned "well i'm just glad you got her here when you did her face looks a bit swollen." I nodded "Since she isn't awake yet i suggest we do a full body X-Ray. When she fell down she may have broken something. You may stay in here but unfortunately you can't come back with us." I sighed "as long as she is being taken care of. I don't care where i am thank you so much Doctor." I said she nodded smiling "we'll take her now. You know she is a lucky girl to have a boyfriend such as yourself." I smiled "oh umm thanks." I said not wanting correct her. I walked out to the waiting room where my friends were well.. waiting. "Oh my god is she okay?" Sophia asked me "she is fine she woke up a bit they are doing some X-Rays they think she may have broken something." I calmed her down "oh thank god thank you Niall." She hugged me "you're welcome Sophia." She went back over to Liam who holding the paper work in his hands. I sat down next to Louis. And sighed putting my head in my hands. "Mate she is going to be fine." "I didn't correct the doctor Louis she said that Ave was lucky to have a boyfriend like me and i just didn't correct her." He half smiled "well do you like her?" Without question i sat up "yes I actually have liked her a long time." H jumped up in the air "really?" He did a happy dance "calm down babe." Harry said quietly realizing that we were in a waiting room. Louis sat down. "Why are you so excited?" I asked "Niall she talks about you all the time. Well recently she has been talking about how she doesn't like brooke. But for good reason she is bitch." "I know I don't even know why we were together." I admitted "good sex?" Someone interjected i smiled when I realized it was Derek, Averie's brother "oh i'm so glad you are here." He gave us all a hug "yeah i got your message. Please tell me that prick got arrested." Harry nodded "thank god well how is she?" "She is doing fine. She is getting some X-Rays done and then they will call you back in." I informed him "Thanks Niall i really appreciate it." An hour had passed and Dr. Anderson came out. "Averie Williams?" We all stood up "how is she?" Harry asked "well she hasn't woken up and she does have a broken foot." She sighed "well that's not bad right i mean she will be able to get better." Derek asked and she smiled "Yes i'm sure she she will make a full recovery, thanks to this young mans quick thinking." Everyone smiled and sighed with relief. "Can we see her?" She nodded "only two of you at a time." Derek asked me to go and i happily followed Derek and the male nurse to Ave's room As we walked through the door Derek gasped at the bruise on the side of her head. "Ohh Averie" he broke down beside her. It was quiet for about an hour when Derek finally looked up and sighed "I broke my promise." He said i looked up him more confused then ever. "What promise." He looked down "After our parents died Niall i promised Averie i would always keep her safe and that i would always make sure this or anything bad would happen." I got up and sat next to him "Derek i'm sure she will understand you weren't there i should have been looking out for her." He half smiled "Niall, do you like Averie?" I sighed "umm yeah but uhh no one really knows excepts for louis and possibly harry." Derek hugged me "you have my blessing mate you're an amazing friend and great with her." I smiled "well thanks but i just want to see how thing go with her she needs to rest up."  He nodded and looked down "hello?" Averie spoke up.

Averie's POV

"Hi Averie, i'm Dr.Anderson how are you feeling?" I moved around a bit "am i in the hospital?" I asked she nodded her head "yes sweetheart can you remember why?" I shuttered "that guy called harry a queer... Uhh and i heard Niall's Voice and then it went black i'm not sure why though." I noticed Niall in the corner "oh so I wasn't imagining your voice." He shook his head smiling. "Ave you were punched and Niall carried you to the hospital." My brother said, who was now standing next to my bed I sat up a bit "thank you Nail File" i said and he smiled "Doctor when can i take her home." Derek asked "well her leg is broken.. I say she should spend the night here for a little more observation." She said "My leg is broken?" I said sadly because this means I won't be able to dance for at least a month or even two. "Yes i'm sorry Averie i'll be back to check on you in about an hour try to get some sleep." Dr. Anderson smiled and left the room. "I'll leave you two to talk i know that you have been in Australia for a while now Derek." Niall said and left with a nod.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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