Me you and wtf this guy?

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As i curled Sophia's hair she couldn't help but talk about my love life. "Oohh maybe he's the one Ave?" I half smiled at her in the mirror Yeah i guess he COULD be but he probably isn't. This is the normal routine Liam comes home from tour and he has this crazy scheme to hook me up with someone that completely isn't my type but tries to play it off as if he had no idea that we would not get along. Sophia and Liam are opposites. And since they are they think that i will find my opposite one day. But i go along with it to keep them happy because at least they are trying, and hey when's the last time a guy paid for my meal? Honestly it's been a while so i indulge in their fantasies and go on the double date. After i get done with Soph's hair, I put my hair into a fishtail braid and put on my blue dress. Liam arrives right on time. He's alone "does this mean i can stay home?" Sophia pinched my arm i rubbed it "No, no Noah is meeting us at the restaurant!" Liam said then kissed Soph on the cheek. We piled into the car and Liam drove to the restaurant. I was kind of nervous because i knew it was someone that would not like me because i am honestly just the run of the mill girl. My thoughts were interrupted when we were seated at our table and the woman asked if i wanted a glass of their white wine. I said no because i was meeting someone new, however i could not say the same for Liam's friend coming  from the bar to meet us. "Hey i know you.." He said slurring his words. I rolled my eyes knowing it was that guy that tried to hook up with me during the day. "Oh great so not only are you drunk but you are a total pervert." I got up and turned to Liam "don't set me up again." I said tears welling up in my eyes as i start to walk away from the table, i see sophia chase after me. I got outside to take a deep breath and to calm myself down "ave i'm.." Soph started but i stopped her "i'm sorry Sophia I didn't mean to talk to Liam like that." She half smiled "love, your feelings are the most important thing i'm worried about. Not Liam's disregard to even select a decent human being for you." A tear fell from my eye "go to the studio." She said giving me some cab money. I hugged and thanked her and then hailed a cab to my dance studio. And i bet you're wondering where does a 22 year old get the money to buy her own dance studio. When i was 20 my parents actually were in a terrible car accident and with my inheritance i bought something i know that will always make me happy. Somewhere to dance, to be alone and to teach children. I arrived at the studio and unlocked it changed to my dance clothes and started stretching. Once i was stretched  i put on Drag Me Down and started running through it knowing my senior dancers would want to learn it. As the song ended i heard clapping from outside the window, i looked up and smiled it was Louis "so this is what you're doing instead instead of coming with us to the club." I frowned "well honestly i just don't feel like being around an asshole all night." I said and he half smiled "Ave he's not going to be there we are all going." I looked up from my feet "even Niall?" He nodded smiling Louis is the only one that knows about my secret crush towards Niall. "Wait isn't brooke going to be with him?" He smiled "actually no Niall and her are fighting this may actually be a chance to talk to him love." I smiled "okay i'll go." He threw his head back "Yasss bitch" i laughed and put on my blue dress took out my fishtail braid and jumped in the car with Louis and he drove away. When we got to the club the bouncer let us in "Welcome back Mr.Tomlinson." As we walked in through the coat room i could hear the loud bass dropping "come on" louis yelled taking a my hand dragging me through the double doors as we got to the table. Liam pulled me aside and yelled in my ear "I'm sorry Ave you know I don't mean to, i just want you to be happy please don't be mad at me." I half smiled "it's okay Li i forgive you!" I yelled close to him and he hugged me and then went over to Sophia. "Ave!!" Someone yelled i turned around "Harry!!" I yelled and we hugged each other "let's get on the dance floor!!" Louis yelled we both nodded and we ran over to the floor. We were there for a while until I realized a body next to mine and it was grinding on me up and down. "Umm excuse me do you mind i'd rather just dance by myself okay?" I politely argued with the drunk prick hanging over me "oh come on baby lighten up!" He yelled i shook my head "no I don't want to dance with you." I said and he grabbed my arm "i think the lady said no!" Harry interjected loudly "why do you care you queer? you have your boyfriend!" As soon as he said the awful word i knew Harry was going to throw a punch "nobody disrespects me like that!!" Harry said before he punched the guy in the face I didn't even have time to process it until i heard an Irish accent "Averie watch out!!" I turned around "Wha.." And then suddenly everything went black.

Me you and everything in between Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora