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"Wait!!!..Did I say I kissed the team captain?
Let me rephrase that; he kissed me first.

Life was going just fine for me,well it should be since I was practically living the invincible life at Leaders High School, without calling any attention to myself. Oh my I totally forgot... I am Allison Grace the nerdy student of Leaders High..Wait scratch that,the brainiac student of Leaders High".

"Alli! Alli!"Oh great! That was Natasha my only friend who is loud and whack screaming my name as soon as she sighted me at my lockers..
"Morning Tasha. Now what's got you all worked up in a frenzy this morning"? I asked with a rather unconcerned tone.
"You are so not gonna bieve this".
"Oh come on.. Just spill it already".
"Matthews asked me to be his date to the party the football team is throwing".
"Ye"!..I replied unenthusiastically.
"Come on Alli don't be such a spoil spot. You totally gotta come with me.
"You know I hate going to these parties.They are definitely not my scene. For crying out loud Tasha I don't fit in there.
"Well I don't care and you are coming with me otherwise you are gonna watch your social life literally flash before your eyes".
I actually found some sense in what she said but like the stubborn girl I was I told her "Make me".
No don't do it, you better don't and great you did it... She was starring at me with her brown puppy eyes she always does it because she knows I fall the trick every time!
"Fine! Fine! I'll come!.Happy now!"?
"Yup..see you in the class" she smirked knowing she's had her way with me.
And that's when the bell sounded.
"Oh great classes".
I was able to make it to class before the lecture started and I got a scolding from Mrs.Claire my art teacher. Art class was the only class I looked forward to and per say I loved it.
Why not. That's the only subject you are extremely good at.
For once I agree with the nagging voice in my head.

Hi guys....Well this is the first chapter and also my first book so dont be too judgy.. Well leave your votes and comments.. They would help me to make a better book....
XOXO I'm out

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