Chapter 35

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A/N: Oh. My. Gosh. Writer's block SUCKS. Like, wow. I've never had it this bad before. Let's hope this is okay...

  I sat on my bed tapping my pencil on the stupid chemistry textbook, trying to figure out just what the hell the quantum theory of atomic structure was again. I might be smart, but it doesn't mean I don't get confused sometimes. Okay, maybe alot more than sometimes, but that's besides the point. If only Adam was here, he was a freaking genius in this stuff, but noooo, he had to leave yesterday. Growing frustrated, I got up and let out a small "Ughhh!", storming downstairs for the only thing that could help me - Fudge Rounds. For a moment I stood there wondering if I should eat the rest in the box, which was like 5, and take a jog or eat just one... Well, 5 sounds good to me. After gulping down in less than 3 minutes the sweet sins, I grabbed my iPod, pulled on some jogging shorts, sports bra, and some random t-shirt and headed outside cranking up the volume. The thing about me is I always jog to the beat of whatever song's on unconsciously. I dunno why, but I do, even if it means full out sprinting or walking for 3 minutes because I don't usually change the song, cause I'm lazy like that. Humming along to Jasey Rae by All Time Low, I started out towards the children's park which is only about 20 minutes away on foot. In the middle of my favorite part, I was interrupted by someone rudely snatching out my earphones from my ears. I HATE when people do that, like really guys? REALLY? Spinning around, I punched the random culprit in the gut. Oops, knee-jerk reaction. I realized I knew who it was when he doubled over groaning.

  "Oops. Sorry Corey." Looking up at me, he gave me the finger and I smirked. I'm not a violent person... Sorta... And I don't promote it, but it always feels good to punch somebody and know it hurt.

  "Geez, you got me in the solar plexis or whatever they call it. Cheap shot."

  "Mmmm?" Raising my fist up and pulling it back, I gave him a look.

  "You punch hard anyways, don't worry!" Smiling I lowered my hand. 

  "So why are you stalking me?" Oh wow, I hope he isn't. That'd be so creepy!

  Laughing, he said, "I was about to go take a run, and saw you going so I yelled out to you but you were in your own little world."

  "Ahh, alright. Well, let's go then." I put my earphones back in my ears and started off without waiting for him, knowing that he'd follow me. A while later a slower song came on, and I stopped jogging and walked instead. Corey pulled at my right earphone. 


  "Tired already?" I rolled my eyes at him and just said 'No', and didn't elaborate.

  Getting in front of me, he stood in my way and stopped me from going any further. 

  "Moooooooove!" I whined.

  "You sound like a cow!" 

  "Oh shuddup. YOU look like one!"

  "A cute cow named Corey huh?"

  "You're infuriating."

  "And you're tired," he taunted.

  "Noooo. My music slowed down."

  "You still do that?" I nodded then tried to step around him. 

  "Whatcha listening to?" He spread his arms out so I couldn't pass. Ughhh!

  "A song."

  "What song?"

  "A song."

  "By who?"

  "Not you."

  Corey let out a puff of air, you know when you're frustrated and blow up your cheeks then just slowly let it out? Just like out of a movie.

  Suddenly he froze and looked at me, giving me a puppy dog face. Aww! Wait, no! That's what he wanted me to think so he could get me to tell him. I stubbornly said "That ain't gonna work on me, so hah!"

  "I'll buy you anything from the chocolate place," came his bribe, and my eyes widened.

  "The Kilwins store thingy???"

  He smiled, knowing he got me. "Yup." Stupid idiot always had to get what he wanted, I was gonna spend $50 just to spite him.

  "All Time Low."

  "Which song? Geez woman!" 

  I rewinded the song, and started singing, knowing it'd get him mad not telling him.

  "Strange maze, what is this place? I hear voices over my shoulder... Nothing's making sense at all..." I smiled innocently at him, he probably thought I was going crazy. "Wonder, why do we race? When everyday we're running in circles. Such a funny way to falllllllllllll."

  "Try to open up my eager eyes I'm open for a chance to make it alright," he continued and my eyes practically popped out of my head. Since when had he listened to All Time Low?

  "You hate them! How do you know that song??"

  "Things change," Corey said playfully, but the look in his eyes were completely serious. I looked away, sensing the double meaning behind his words. 

  "So um. Ready to head back?" I suddenly didn't feel like continuing the run anymore.

  "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to stop at Subways or Starbucks and get something to eat or snack on. There's nothing to eat at my place."

  Eh. Now that he mentioned it, a sub did sound good... But I wanted to leave. Then again, a sub sounded REAAALLLLYYY good right now, and it was only around 5 or so minutes away from where we were now... "Sure."

A/N: Ahh. I need an Advil now, I feel a headache coming on. Sorry for so much All Time Low stuff, I'm going through this total obsession right now (I don't like their new CD though... It's... Eh.) So yeahs haha. Enjoy! Sorry bout the wait, I need to make a schedule or something.

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