Chapter 13- Forgive Me

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I woke up and Cole was on his laptop.

Cole:" Oh your up. I didn't want to wake you. You just looked so cute."

I got up and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go check up on Will"

He nodded and I headed toward Will's room.


I couldn't sleep all night. I kept wondering if she was ok. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it.

Celine: "Will how's it going"

"I don't she's not talking to me I'm really scared. You believe me when I said I didn't do anything."

Celine: "Well, you were kissing her"

I covered my face and started to cry.

" I truly love her and I don't want to loose her"

Celine: "I hope everything's gonna be ok but now give her some space."

I nodded and she left. I heard a buzz on my phone

From: My Girl <3

Hey I'm sorry about last night I just couldn't stand to see her all over you. I'm also sorry for the fight. I just love you and got a little jealous. If you wanna break up with me cause of my stupid mistake it's ok"

To: My Girl <3

Why would I do that. I love you. I was scared you were gonna leave me cause of what happened."

From: My Girl <3

No, never. Ill be home soon I went out to get some air. Love you babe."

I love her so much. I'm so happy everything worked out. Now I can breathe normally.

I went downstairs.

Gabe: " Where's Ashley"

"Oh she just texted me she went out for some air. She'll be back"

Celine: "So everything's fine"

" Ya and I'm so happy".


After all the fighting and Will drama. I needed a break with my girl. I decided to text her because se wasn't down stairs.

To: BABYY <3

Hey babe you wanna go out today. Just us. I think we both need some alone time together.

From: BABYY <3

Ya that's awesome. What we gonna do.

To: BABYY <3

That's a surprise :)

Yay a day with just me and my girl. I was thinking a picnic. I grabbed some food and a blanket and waited for her to come down.


I wonder where Dana's taking me. I wore my cream colored shorts with a brown braided belt, a floral crop top, and brown sandals.

I went downstairs and walked towards Dana and kissed his cheek.

Dana: "Bye guys, were going out"

Everyone: "Byeee"

"Where are we going"

Dana: "It's a surprise"

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