Chapter one

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A short A/N 'bout The hunger games stuck

Okay hello there beautiful readers. I don't know if anyone is even going to read this crappy fanfiction, but in case you will I LOVE YOU READER CHAN!!! And this fanfic was inspired by a different fanfic the other fanfic was called "hungerstuck [Sollux x Karkat]" by the-twinArmageddons and you should totally check it out. The pairing for this story is going to be SOLLUX x KARKAT x ERIDAN, and if you don't ship this than don't read this. I feel like this ship satisfy's my need for erisol, solkat, and erikat, so I just love this ship. Now I don't hold you for too long please do read this!!! And don't forget that I will not update this story until it reaches five votes and five comments/reviews (positive ones) so if you liked this and want to read more than leave a vote and a comment!!! Love you all!!!

Chapter one:

Karkat Vantas was the name of this little rebel.

Waking up on the day of the reaping was absolutely the worst day to wake up on. Karkat got off his bed on which his little brother Dave was currently taking a nap and Looked at the ugliest cat ever. This Cat Dave has picked up a few years ago, immediately Dave has fallen in unconditional love with the said cat and named him buttercup. Ever since that time Karkat has tried restlessly to get rid of the damned pet, however every time something went wrong or Dave found out about it and the cat was saved.

Karkat opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out at the feline, to which the cat responded with an obnoxious hiss in his direction. It was easy to tell that the young troll male and the cat wouldn't get along even if their life was at stake.

Karkat has walked up to an old and pretty sturdy wardrobe and pulled his father's old hunting cloak pulling it on as it was his favorite and the only hunting coat, it still smelled a bit of his father the Signless or as many know him the Sufferer. Many districts know him for he was the one leading the rebellion against the Capitol. Unfortunately he failed tremendously and was killed and now we have the hunger games to remind us that they are in control and not us.

I headed outside as the cold air hit my face I inhaled it with all my might, I spotted my friend Sollux Running over to me so that we could go for a hunt and bring our family some food and other supplies. Once he approached m he stopped in his tracks panting a little.

"Wow Sollux you are really out of shape" I have remarked just to spite the lanky male. Sollux smacked my arm playfully before we headed over to a very deadly electrified fence, which at the moment it wasn't electrified at this moment because the peace keepers didn't see any reason to turn on the fence while all the men and some women were in the coal mines, working their asses off 24/7.

Sollux and I walked up to the fence and Sollux dived into the hole under the fence we dug up a long time ago. You see jumping over the fence would be too dangerous because of the sharp wire and all the electricity, but if we are careful enough we can always escape the forest even if the fence were to be turned on. Sollux motioned for me to hurry up so I pushed our hunting bag with supplies under the fence and dove under it myself. After that it was pure bliss.

I love the woods a lot. This is where my father used to take me before he died. WE used to hunt, bring herbs to my mother, and he used to sing for me. There were mokingjays in these woods, Mokingjays were a breed between jaberjays which were created artificially by capitol in order for them to be able to listen to what the rebels were talking about, and to know all the info beforehand, however that was soon overheard by one of the rebels and they developed a tactic that helped them avoid being heard. The jaberjays were set free into the nature with the scientists of capitol hoping they would die. Only they didn't. Since they were so close to mocking birds they mated with them and created the Mockingjays.

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