Chapter Fourteen - The Final Three

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Hiya! Not updating again until I recieve 1,275 reads. Also, press the small button north-east of this story, that says "Vote" as it is greatly appreciated!

Niall's POV

The calm river waters glittered with the light from the setting sun, giving off the effect of diamonds. Snow-covered pine trees created a vast forest, however others grew in small clusters nearer to the river. The sky was turning from baby blue to a more deeper tone and the setting sun turned the clouds a pinkish orange. How can something so beautiful be so deadly?

I needed to start setting up a small, non-suspicious camp soon, before the sun set and the night came out to play. My stomach growled however and I realised how hungry I really was. Camp will have to wait for now, I needed food to function.

I walked through the forest, looking for some edible looking plant as I really wasn't in the mood for killing animals and going through the effort of cooking them. After a while, I still could't find anything; it was way too cold for any edible plants to come through the snow-covered ground.

The sky was beginning to darken as the sun continued to set. More clouds were coming into the grey looking sky. The wind began to pick up around me, chilling my face and hands that were exposed to it. Birds started flying from nowhere, all flying low to the ground, coming really close to me. I began to panic as they came closer and closer to me.

My leg and foot weren't in pain anymore; with everything being cold, my leg and foot's wounds were beginning to numb, making walking slightly easier, but it was still hard to lift my feet that continually sink into the snow.

The sun dropped and the full moon came out to play, casting shadows everywhere. The snow on the ground stood out against the pitch black sky. Snow started to fall, slowly at first, then heavily. I really shold have made a shelter than going out searching for food. I sighed and heard a human-like grunt in return. I froze and looked around. Ahead, only ten metres away, was Harry Potter, leaning against a tree in plain sight, snoring.

I quickly slipped out of sight, behind some snow-covered pines. I reached for my knife in my belt, and snuck up behind his tree. He jumped to his feet, so suddenly I wasn't even sure if he was asleep in the first place.

Harry's POV

I had just rested my eyes for one second when I heard a person sigh. I accidently grunted, so I started to snore to pretend I was asleep. My eyes were half closed and I picked up movement, someone slipping behind a pine tree. Their footprints were fresh in the snow on the ground. I jumped to my feet and heard them gasp in surprise, whoever it was; it was either Zach or Niall.

I turned to see them right behind my tree, a knife in hand. Niall. I reached for my dagger and jumped on him with the few seconds of surprise I had left. We rolledon the cold, soft ground, grappling to get and stay on top. After a few more seconds, I was victorious, sitting on top of him. I smiled.

"I wonder how many people are watching this right now, waiting for you to die,' I snarled.

'Many people would be more upset with my death then yours,' he replied, trying to push me off of him. I laughed, grabbing his hands tightly in one of my own and putting them above his head.

'You're not going to survive, just like your other friends: Liam, Zayn and Louis. It was just a fluke Harry survived, but you won't be so lucky,' I retorted, and with my spare hand, I gripped my dagger lightly and placed it to his throat. I was dragging out this moment for the viewers at home; they deserve to see someone as annoying as him die as slowly and painfully, just as he deserved.

Sydney's POV

I heard two guys grappling on the ground, so I sat up and peeked over the tree branch to see Harry on top, a knife against Niall's throat. Harry is more of a threat than Niall, so it would be the smarter thing to do if I killed Harry first and let Niall go.

Or I could just kill the both of them.

I grabbed my sickle and placed it in it's makeshift pocket. With my stomach growling like crazy, I slowly climbed down the tree, making sure my feet were on safe footholds; no good now to die from a stupid mistake. After what seemed like eternity, I was on the grund. Niall would be dead by now. I peeked out from behind the tree to find him still alive, his chest moving up and down, with Harry still on top of him.

Harry inflicted some serious wounds on Niall; Niall's whole body was turning red, slashes made from Harry's dagger were all up and down his arms. I watched in horror as Harry slowly dragged his dagger across Niall's cheek, crimson blood seeping out instantly.

This made me sick. It was already horrible enough to be in these games and forced to kill and watc our loved ones be killed. But we all had to do it for surival, so I forgie everyone. But watching someone deliberately drag out someone's death just for the enjoyment of it made me sick. And it enraged me. Niall may be an annoying person in an overated, infuriating boy band, but he is a nice guy who doesn't deserve any of this; none of us do.

Harry deserved to die painfully, not Niall. He deserves the death that he is going to inflict on Niall.

With adrenaline running through my veins, I jumped on Harry, knocking him off of Niall. Niall sat up, confused as to why I was defending him; we weren't even allies nor had we spoke a word to each other, but he didn't deserve what he just went through. Nobody did.

I reached for my sickle in its makeshift pocket, trying to move like lightning, but Harry was prepared and knocked it out of its pocket. My sickle flew through the air, landing thirty metres away. I will just have to kill him wit my bare hands then.

I rolled on top of him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He struggled for air, trying to pry my hans off of his neck, but it was no use; they wouldn't budge. He started to struggle further as his face turned a bright pink, then red; he was desperate now.

Niall's voice from behind me startled me as he said, 'Finish him off quickly; no one deserves pain.' I nodded, releasing my hands from around his neck and gripping my sickle wit both hands.

Niall was right; I didn't want to be as bad as Harry. Like I thought earlier, no one desrves to go through that. Not even a sick monster like Harry.

He was so surprised when I took my hands off of his neck that he didn't seize his only opportunity to survive this.

Now it was too late.

With both hands on the sickle, I plunged the sickle into his heart. His face showed the pain he was going through and I felt myself smile a bit. I heard the cannon in the distance, signalling his death. I turned to Niall.

'Run, get out of here. I may have saved you this one time, but it was a one off.' Niall nodded and started to run, which was hard with all the wounds he had inflicted.

If I don't win, I want Niall to win. He's suffered too much these games.

But we all have suffered too much too.

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