Chapter Eight - Saviour

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Niall's POV

Eleanor was here. She had found us. But Carly Rae followed her and Liam was trapped. He was going to die. She took a step forward, watching him. Eleanor ran through the trees at a lightning speed behind her. She was trying to reach safety.

'The great Liam Payne! So great to finally meet you,' she smirked, taking another calculated step forward. Something shot out from behind me and pushed Liam to the side. He stumbled and I quickly ran up to him, pain running through my foot, helping him gain his footing again.

'Thanks,' he said. I looked up to where Carly Rae was. Damian now stood in front of her, a dagger in his hand.

'Attacking a weaponless man. Coward, Carly Rae,' Damian said. 'I think this will be a little more fair.' Movement flashed behind Carly Rae and I looked up to see Eleanor walking up behind her, a massive rock in her hand.

Carly Rae's POV

A twig snapped behind me and I turned around in a rush to be met with Eleanor, a large rock in her hand. I pushed her into the ground, snatching the rock from her hand. Someone screamed behind me. Liam. I brought the rock down hard on the back of her head. Again and again. Couldn't be too careful in the Fandom Games. The cannon went off.

I rose to my feet and Damian tackled me. I heard him grunt as he tried to stab me. But it wouldn't work. I will win this battle. I kneed him in the stomach and felt him loosen his grip on me. My chance. I snatched the dagger from his hand and plunged it deep into his heart. His cannon also went off.

Niall and Liam were running to the cave, but they were taking forever; they were both limping. Perrie rushed out of the cave to find the bodies of Eleanor and Damian. She screamed and I laughed. She noticed Liam and Niall and she started to run forward to help them. This gave me a better view. I threw the throwing axe and it instantly embedded itself into her chest. Liam and Niall screamed as her blood sprayed all over them as well.

They continued to limp towards the cave. Ten metres left. I reached for my dagger as Niall turned around quickly and before I could tell, his knife went into my stomach. I fell to my knees and a smile played around the corners of his lips. Think again. Two daggers left for the two of them. He turned around and I threw one. It landed in Liam's neck. He fell to the ground and a pool of blood appeared around him. Niall turned to look at me.

The pain was unbearable. I am going to die. But I shall kill him as well. My last dagger. I wanted to kiss it for good luck, but time was running out. I chucked it, but he dodged. Not the best dodge in the world; it got him in the leg. Hopefully that'll slow him down. He shouldn't win. My eyelids fell, too heavy to hold open and I began to swim in darkness.

Samantha's POV

I opened my eyes sluggishly and saw someone up ahead. Harry. I rose quickly. Big mistake. The frozen trees swung around me and I closed my eyes. I couldn't feel the earth moving beneath my feet anymore, so I opened my eyes once more. Harry was closer, a mere metre away. I flinched; he could move as silently as the wind. Maybe not this wind though; it was roaring around us, flinging my hair across my face. It was freezing. I wrapped my arms around me as Harry cocked his head to one side.

'A bit chilly is it?' he asked, his voice carrying around us with the wind. I nodded, unsure of this situation. What was I doing here? And then I saw it. Briden. She was lying in a pool of blood. But luckily her chest was rising and falling. It didn't matter if it was shallow. For now. He saw my staring and smiled at her. He kicked her side and a whimper escaped through her slightly parted lips.

'Leave her alone!' I shouted and my voice too got caught in the wind. He shook his head. Something fell from the trees above us and landed in her chest. A dagger. Fresh blood joined the dried blood around her and a cannon went off. I screamed as something grabbed me from behind. I couldn't turn. Harry held up something and I cannot believe I didn't see it. A spear. He stabbed me with it through the chest, pinning me to the tree. My screams echoed around me as darkness closed in.


Author's Note: Hiya! Sorry, I tried to update this Sunday, but for some reason my Wattpad was being shitty. Hope you enjoyed this! Love you all and thanks for reading! <3

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