Torment of a Choosen

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I woke up in a tent as I saw the fire outside. I looked around for Brody, but I didn't see him anywhere so I took my chance and ran. I kept running and running, until I couldn't see the fire anymore. I slowed down to a walk and remembered what had happened before I fainted. I remembered hearing Brody's thoughts and realizing two things. One was that he worked for Sheegan and the other was that he is my choosen.

I remembered our passionate kiss and came to a stop, overwhelmed by the emotions of finding my choosen. I kept walking, determined to leave him to search for Sheegan. I stopped again as I realized how I could find her. I could follow him to Sheegan! He would lead me straight to her and never know it, but that would only work once he stops searching for me.

I decided to go back, so that I could follow Brody. I turned around and came face to face with Brody. I gasped and he picked me up over his shoulders. Crap, I don't have any weapons! Here goes nothing. I thought as I kneed him in the stomach. He grunted and his hold on me loosened enough for me to escape his hold.

I started to run, but he grabbed my wrist and jerked me around to face him. His face looked angry, but his eyes held fear and sadness within. His thumb trailed across my bottom lip, making me smile. He moved his hand to my cheek, moved closer to me, and threw blue powder into the air. He held his breath, but I was surprised and gasped at the betrayal. Everything spun, but the last thing I saw and felt was Brody kissing my cheek.

The last thing I heard was his voice, but I couldn't make out the words to what he said. Everything blurred and a shadow covered me and my reality.

I woke up tied to a tree and I instantly thought about karma. Tie someone up to a tree and you'll find yourself tied to one sooner or later. I thought to myself. I felt something inside of me pull and Brody emerged from the shadows. I glared at him as he approached me. He sat beside me, apparently ignoring my glare, and smiled at me.

It was a sweet smile and I felt my heart warm a little. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I was taken aback from his question and I stared at him for a minute. "Care to untie me. I would feel a whole lot better then." I replied bitterly, causing him to smirk.

"Fine." He said and my jaw fell at his answer. He started to untie me and I sat there in shock. "What does Sheegan want with me? She never liked me." I said when he was done untying me. He shrugged at me before replying,"She knows of how fond the light elf has become of you and plans to use it to her advantage." I laughed at the ridiculousness of that plan.

"My own aunt wants to kidnapp me and get a reward for me?" I asked in disbelief. He nodded and I realised how serious he was. "Crazy dark elves! I'm glad Kira adopted me and taught me the ways of the light elves. They don't use their family members for stuff like this! They love their family members and she would be trying to take care of me herself if it was really about her brother. She would hold onto me as the last thing that resembles him!" I argued.

"I grew up on Midgard and raised by humans until my cousin found me." He said. "Who was your cousin and how did that get you to work for Sheegan?" I asked. He sighed and his eyes looked as if they held regret. "My cousin Vincent found me and took me. He's a dark elf and he works for Sheegan. He wanted me to work for Sheegan for some reason regarding you and Kira. I don't know why, but that's what he wanted and he said that I could build my own life after I completed this task." He explained to me. I gasped at the new knowledge.

"Kira's in danger! You son of a-!" I cut myself off before I went off on him. I jumped up and tried to run away, but Brody grabbed my wrist and I twisted around to face him. "Don't leave me Gi melin!" He said without moving his lips again. I ripped my hand from his grasp and stared at him in anger. He took a step toward me and I glared at him.

"Amber, don't do this. Vincent won't hurt Kira. I've convinced him that she's his choosen. Stay with me." He said sadly. I turned my back to him, trying to hold back the tears. I wanted to cry, because I knew what I was about to do would hurt both of us. "I'm sorry for this, Brody." I said and ran away. He tried to grab my wrist again, but I was out of his grasp before he could blink.

I ran for miles, even when my legs started to burn. I kept running and was almost to the civilization when I doubled over in pain. It felt like a blow to the gut, a blow by a giant boulder! I bent into the fetal position and I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. They ran down my cheeks and fell to the grass beneath. I had never experienced such pain, but I had heard of it. It was the pain of being angry with your choosen and without your choosen.

It suddenly felt like someone was pounding nails through my hands and feet. I let out a scream of pain and bit my lip to help from screaming even more. I swallowed my pain and stood. I was shaking, but I managed. I started walking to the civilization and I could see the dark elves there. Then everything spun and I fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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