The Pirates that are in retirement..need to STAY in retirement!
I woke up in the morning at the sound of Jack's snoring (whenever he had a hard day beforehand he snores) only, he wasn't snoring. In fact, he wasn't even in the room! It was actually the warning bell that a ship was approaching (we got tired of people yelling), I quickly threw on my hat and coat, then, ran out to the deck. Lucky for us it was storming, the deck was wet, it was foggy, and we couldn't see the other ship, perfect weather for a fight. "Morning, Brittney!
...Don't ya just love the weather?" Kayla yelled sarcastically through the rain. I looked up to find Jack yanking on the wheel just to try and keep us from not hitting anything! I quickly ran up to him.
"Where the hell are we?" I screamed, holding my hat on my head.
"Don't know...we'll find out later!" he yelled back with a smile and a kiss to my cheek. I tried to walk back down the stairs to Kayla, but I ended up slipping and sliding. I fell on the third step and slid the rest of the way down. Gibbs and Crepsley rushed to my aid.
"I'm fine!" I yelled over the beating rain and howling wind.
"You're flying?" Gibbs asked, leaning closer to me.
"No, you dimwit! I'm fine!" I screamed in his ear. He nodded in understanding. "Any clue who's behind us?" I yelled
"No!" Gibbs yelled in answer. Rain pelted the boat like hail, the wind blew at least fifty knots and it showed no sign of letting up.
"Kayla?" I yelled "can you get this to let up?" I asked, gently walking over to her.
"I tried....its something more powerful then me!" she yelled back
"Oh, damn!" I yelled
"What? Oh, ham? Are you hungry?" she asked with a confused face.
"No! I said 'oh, damn!'" I clarified
"Oh!" she yelled. Just after I finished talking to her a big graybeard rose high above the boat (Graybeard: huge wave, not a tsunami, but very close). I quickly grasped the railing of the boat and held on as tight as I could. Next thing I knew hundreds of pounds of water washed over the side of the Black Pearl, pounding the people as well as the deck.
I was swept off the deck, but, thankfully, because of how hard I was holding on to the side I wasn't taken into the water. A few wet and miserable minutes later the water stopped, and I pulled myself back over the rail. Gibbs was clinging to a door knob, Crepsley was holding onto a bolted down barrel, Jack was hanging onto the wheel, and Kayla was holding onto the mast. For a moment everything was calm, the wind and rain had stopped, and the waves were calm again. "I-Is everyone alright?"
I asked, forcing myself to my feet. "Define alright" Crepsley growled spitting water out of his mouth.
"Not dead or overboard" I hissed, I did a head count and thankfully, we had everyone. I walked over to the poop-deck and saw a ship with dark-blue sails a mile or so away from us. "What the--?" I asked, now Gibbs walked over.
"I've never seen that before" he said
"me neither" I said "Gibbs, make sure the ship's in fighting condition...we might have to ruff-up some newbie's" I said with a sickly smile.
*I looked up at Jack and he was cleaning his compass, apparently it pointed below deck. He walked below deck then back up and said "why is the rum always gone?"
"Because you and your girlfriend have drinking fests in your room" Kayla snickered, I smiled and went to the bow.
"We're facing a new be ready for anything" I said and the crew replied with an:
"Aye, aye captain!"
By now the sky was clear and the sun was shining. A beautiful purple was the sky's color, I grabbed Jack's telescope and took a peek at our new enemies. My eyes grew wide and my mouth was stuck wide parents were in pirate clothing, carried swords and guns, and were commanding a ship! Next thing I knew my parents hoisted a black flag with a white hourglass in the middle...they were justifying that they were coming out of retirement! I gave a sickly smile as Jack stood beside me "Who is it, love?"
"New blood" I said and handed him his telescope back. Soon I heard him start to laugh.
"This will be good" he said, wrapping his arm around my waist and folding his telescope back.
Deadly Waters
AventuraA Phanfiction. Brittney is the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of the Caribbean. Brittney Turner that is! She hates the prim and propper life of a princess and decides to become a pirate, like her parents did once. Then, one day her ship sinks by t...