The Best Of You

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I went home. School was interesting. I got her to talk, and personally I hoped I was the only one she talked to. She truly was interesting. A challenge. A mystery. I finished a math worksheet then jumped onto the Playstation network. Obviously to message Willow.


A few minutes later.

Uh... Hi

What's up?


These messages?

You're funny lol, no a book, you know those things found in a library

Ive heard those are rare to find


Thank you

For what?

For talking to me today

I'm talking to you right now

No... Like face to face. I didn't think you'd talk to me after ditching so much


Don't frown love


Thats better

We talked back and forth for about an hour until she said she was going to dinner. I was smiling like an idiot as I went back through the messages. I shut off the television and pulled out my song book and guitar.

"How we gonna fix this... How we... Um... Undo everything? No. Undo all the pain. That's it!" I wrote it down before I forgot, then applied the chords to what I had of the song.

I headed down to dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs... Freaking yum! I had two plates of it then went back to my room to watch Pokémon. Yes... Yes I do. I watched the rest of an episode and saw a notification pop up on the upper corner of the TV saying that I had a message from:


Hey again

Hey love :)

Why do you call me that lol

Who doesn't?

No one... Just you

Exactly ;)

Clever :)

I know haha. So what did you want to talk about?

I don't know... I just wanted to talk to someone... Oddly... I've never had anyone to do that with...

Well I'm glad I could be here :)

Haha, do... Do you think you could sit with me at lunch again?

I do that anyways don't I?

Yeah... Which leads me to ask... Why do you sit with me?


That's all I'd ask for :)

Okay haha... Well I sit with you because one, you seemed nice, like someone who doesn't judge people

I don't, cuz that's how I feel around people, and know that it hurts, I never judge, and never will.

That's why I sat with you, that's what I felt when I saw you sitting alone. And the only friends I have have a separate lunch, and I only made friends with those two guys who I've known since elementary.

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