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Toto had you in a headlock of some sort. You squirmed to see if he would loosen his grip. It was no use.

"Easy (y/n)-san~☆" He stuck out his tongue and licked your cheek again. A blush crept across your face and you squirmed some more.

He suddenly let go of you causing you to almost fall down.

"See? All I wanted was a taste!" He smirked and flashed his golden orbs at you.

That was more than one taste. You thought to yourself.

The lick that he left on your cheek felt a weird sensation as if it wasn't normal.

You wiped the spot on your face where he licked you and made a groan.

"Well (y/n), It was so nice to meet you~☆ I hope to taste you again!" He giggled and twirled out of the room.

You watched him leave and immediately closed your cell door.

A sigh of relief escaped from you and you quickly crawled into your bed. Hoping that you were dreaming and that Toto didn't even exist.

You closed your eyes tightly and prayed that this wasn't real.

You woke up in your boring grey cell and sighed. Your stomach demanded food but you had no idea where to get any.

Suddenly, the vent above you started rumbling and the opening fell to floor and who jumped out of it? None other than the Mockingbird himself.

"Great." You mumbled and rolled your eyes.

"I hope you're hungry (y/n)-san!" He giggled before dropping a package of melon bread on your bed. Your eyes lit up in shock. Did he really get you something?

"T-thank you." You beamed and quickly opened up the melon bread taking a bite and giving out a moan in delight.

That was music to the greenette's ears. "Anything for a friend~☆" He clapped his hands together.

You shook your head and ignored that last comment.

"So are you going to explain this place to me? Or are you just going "taste" me like you did yesterday?" You spat and he gave you a devious smile.

"I don't think there's really anything I need to explain. But I'll give you a little advice, just try to survive."

"Yeah okay as if that's easy."

"Shall I give you a little private tour?" He offered and flashed a smile at you.

"Sure, it'll give me something to do until I make or at least try to make new friends."

"Such a smartass. I might as well kill you now." He grinned.


"Nothing dear~☆" He said innocently. "Shall we go?"

You nodded and were instantly picked up from your small cell bed.

With a pull of his hand he dragged you out of your cell and down the long dark hallway.

You hoped he wouldn't play any tricks.

A lick to Spare (Toto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now