Chapter 3

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I woke up from my sleep to fine Mama sitting beside me. She smiled down at me before kissin my cheek. "Alliedear i'm so glad your awake!" She said running my name and 'dear' together like she always does. I smiled up at her.

"Are you feeling ok? You dont have a headache do you?" She asked quickly with worry in her eyes. Though my mom could be a pain sometimes i really did love her. "No Mama i'm fine. It just aches a little," i said sitting up. Papa was across the room talking to Mr. O'Connor.

"I hate to bring this up now but it must be addressed. If you do not marry Mr. O'Connor then your name will be ruined and no man will have you. People are already talking about it on the streets," she said looking at me expectantly.

"Mother i dont care what society thinks! Besides i can't leave Papa to run the store all on his own! We barely get by with the three of us," i argued.

"Now listen here missy. I was running this store long before you were born. I can handle it, besides it was high time i hired some help. Theres plenty of people in need of jobs. The store is none of your concern so dont make that a reason you refuse to marry," Papa said giving me a look not to argue.

"How do you feel about this," i asked turning to Mr. O'Connor. "I would like to marry you so long as it is what you wish, but i will be leaving in a weeks time back to my ranch up in wyoming with my cattle and horses."

I starred at him and my family. The thought of leaving them made my heart ache. "C..could you give me till the end of the week to make a decision? So i can get to know you better and you I?" I gave him a desperate look.

"Yes. You have till the end of the week to make your decision. If it is yes i will give us two extra days to prepare for your coming. The day you make your decision though, if it is a yes, we will marry." He watched my reaction.

I slowly breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled to him. "Thank you Mr. O'Connor." "Please, call me Michelle. Mr. O'Connor was my father," he said giving me a wink. I blushed and ducked my head.

My stomach chose that moment to growl fiercely. I blushed deeply and hid my face. They all laughed and Michelle said, "i guess that's my que to get you something to eat." I smiled up at him and nodded.

He left the room with a smile and i watched him go. He had a much more pleasant attitude then other men. He also had a sense of humor. Maybe marrying him wouldnt be so bad? I had five days to think about it and to get to know him better. I wonder...


It was two days before the doctor finally released me from bed rest. During that time Michelle stayed with me throughout the day unless James, his head hand, needed him for something. We talked about everything and nothing at all. I found it easy to talk to him about almost anything. He had great humor and a nice smiled. His skin was tanned from the sun making his white teeth stand out. He also wasnt covered head to toe in hair like most guys gloated a out. no hair poked through the top of his shirt and his face was clean shaven. At night he rented another room across from mine to sleep in.

The swelling on my face had gone away and the bruising was fading to an almost transparent yellow. A bit of powder would cover it up.

"Would you like to go into town?" Michelle asked from his usual seat beside my bed. "Oh so your finally letting me out of this bed?" I asked in fake shock. We'd argued for two days about me being well enough to get up.

"The doctor has released you so yes i'm finally letting you out of that bed," he said smirking. I blushed at the hidden meaning. My decision was starting to get easier to make, if only i didnt have to leave my parents.

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