Many don't have Clear what's Judaism, people when think in Judaism they usually think in these things.
.Those are the ones that are still waiting for messiah
.Those are the ones that don't eat bacon
.those are the ones that still live according to the Old Testament
.those are the ones that were killed in the holocaust
This are the principle things in what people thinks when they think in Judaism, now let's clarify why this things are done by many Jews:
Why are Jews still waiting for messiah if he already arrived 2000 years ago and that's Jesus ! That's what Christians say, well Jews don't think that way: because Jesus didn't fulfil the main prophecies of being messiah which we will go deeper in to that subject in another chapter (because that subject is way too long the chapter way be too long so prepare 😉)
Why Jews don't eat bacon
Well that's easy, that because a verse ordering it in the tanach (what you call the Old Testament) and I know Gentiles say that bacon tastes so good !, but those are orders from Hashem (that's how the Jewish people called G-d, there's many more like Adonai, El shaddai etc.., but the one that's better is Hashem), so if you really love him you must obey him, without complaining, because he created you at his alike and image, so that's the minimum you can do for him.
Those are the ones who still follow the Old Testament
First of all, it's not old ! Old is your grandma 😂😂😂 (just kidding), but seriously it's not old nor new it's eternal, those are the divine instructions that G-d himself revealed to the Jewish people at mount Sinai, and besides like I said earlier it's the least a Jew can do for him because he was created at his alike and image (of course all humans were creating at his alike and his image not just the Jewish people), I know it's hard to follow so many commandments but try your best, you see that Hashem will really appreciate and will bless you so much and will make you live happily.
Those are the ones who were killed in the holocaust
Yeah I know there's many movies and books about the subject: the boy in the strapped pyjamas, the diary of Anne frank, the book thief, what a beautiful (or wonderful I don't remember 😛) world and many more !, I know, I know Jews weren't the only ones in the concentration camps, they were Catholics, Christians, witnesses (you know the JW guys, I would just could them witnesses for respect to G-d, but we will talk about that subject later on 😂😂 I know I would talk about everything later but they are complex themes and they need more than a chapter part, especially the messiah one !) but they were more Jews ( I think ?) and it's so sad ! 😣, but thank to Hashem Jews are back in Israel again !! 😍😊Well that's all for now see yo later
Shalom to everyone 🔯😊
Judaism rocks !!
SpiritualKnow the religion in which they don't eat beacon and don't believe in Jesus