The prince who can see spirits - Part B

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[ First posted on Dec. 1st, 2012 at 9:48 PM – Editted on October 10th-11th, 2015 ]

(Takanori's POV)

The people around me were panicking. I am panicking myself too because I'am still shaken to the fact that the palace is on fire and I've almost died and roast on the flames if only I haven't been waken up by my roommate, Meto, who had been busy reading books about witchcraft with his familiar, Ruana. I was lucky too that I am with a practicing witch, who was able to make a safe path for us through the fire. However, that's all he could do. Stop the fire momentarily but not extinguishing it. I'm still thankful for what he could do, though...

Anyway, as soon as we were out of the burning palace, unscathed, and with other servants that we've saved on our way...

I started searching for the monarchs and brushed through the frantic crowd of people, who were as panic-striken as me. Some of them were holding a bucket of water, which they would throw towards the fire; while others were saving what they could from the parts of the palace that has yet to be burned.

The fire has broken to almost the entire palace. It seems as if a great sea of fire swallowed the whole beautiful castle at once and I am certain that it is impossible to save it now because it will be fully burnt to ash any time soon...

I kept on looking for the king and the prince in the crowd. I want to make sure that they were fine before I went on to look after the other servants and try to save important documents with them. The royalties are always the top priorities in turmoils like this and they must be the first one to be declared alive first...

Everyone should know that...

And I was relieved to see that the king was safe with his knight and his butler...


I was worried to see that Prince Kouyou is no where in sight...

I immediately strode towards the king whom, on the closer look, looks terrified and scared. A thick blanket was covering his shaking form as he stared at the burning castle. A look of horror, sadness and longing in his eyes as everything he had burned...

"Kamijo-ousama..." I called softly and he turned to face me. When it registered to him that it was me...

He immediately jumped to me and held me by my elbows. A hopeful look on his eyes as he speaked desperately and shook me...

"T-Takanori! Have you seen... Have you seen Kouyou?" He asked as I noticed tears staining his face.

I was hesitant to reply, but I decided to answer truthfully...

"I haven't... your highness... I-I was looking for him, though. I will look for him..." I reassured but he suddenly fell weakly on his knees and clutched his forehead with his hand, as if he was having a terrible headache. His knight, sir Masashi, and butler, Yuki-san, immediately approached us and helped the king on his feet and let him sit.

"Please... Please... Takanori-kun. Find Kouyou and save him. He is all that I have left in my life. I can't afford to lose another family..." He begged. I just nodded, fully understanding, and bowed.

"I will, your highness..."

"Go now, Takanori. Save Kouyou..." He told me and I didn't waste time any more time.

I immediately took a wet blanket and walked towards the flaming castle...

But, before I could go inside...

I heard a conversation that made me froze...

That voice... wasn't it Zin-sama? The cousin of Prince Kouyou...

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